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Dark Man 4 CD by Eddy6465 viewsDespite the different forms, colors, and styles, somehow I always just envisioned the Dark Man robots as all one robot that could just reconfigure himself. I guess evidently that's not the case.Dec 01, 2020

Dark Man 3 CD by Eddy6464 viewsI feel like 3 was the Dark Man that gave me the most trouble overall, mostly just making sure you don't get hit by those freezing shots.Dec 01, 2020

Dark Man 2 CD by Eddy6461 viewsThe most dangerous attack of all : RUNNING AT YOU.Dec 01, 2020

Dark Man 1 CD by Eddy6463 viewsDark Man 1's movement speed could make him troublesome at sometimes if you're going buster only / no damage.Dec 01, 2020

Reggae CD by Eddy6466 viewsI always forget if Reggae's ever appeared in the main series outside of the cameo of failed passwords in MM7. It would be interesting to see him actually make an appearance.Dec 01, 2020

Kalinka CD by Eddy6467 viewsKalinka really needs to show up again. It would be interesting to see her maybe working on something with her dad.Dec 01, 2020

Dr. Cossack CD by Eddy6470 viewsI'd still really like to see Dr. Cossack appear again, maybe he and Kalinka would make a new robot that would serve as a new extra playable character.Dec 01, 2020

Mega Man 2 Captain N Edition by Eddy6479 viewsI'm.... not sure I ever really thought about how much Captain N style Bubble Man looks like Aqua Man...... That's.... pretty strange now that I notice it.Nov 01, 2020

Strike Man's Secret by Eddy6458 viewsEvidently when Strike Man does his critical attack, Eddy64 thinks he looks like Eggman. I'm not sure I see it myself, but it's interesting to see how sprites can be misinterpreted. Myself, I somehow saw Dedede's portrait in the original Dream Land as wearing big sunglasses.Nov 01, 2020

Youmu in 1st by Wason Liu51 viewsApparently in the 2020 Touhou popularity poll, Youmu came in 1st. Some of the runner ups aren't too happy. Apologies for the small size on the rankings there, just a reminder, I do have to size things down a bit to upload them sometimes if they're too big when sent my way. Also dang, most of my favorites ranked pretty low. So it goes.Oct 01, 2020

Afraid of Ghosts by Wason Liu53 viewsYoumu, you do realize you're half ghost and kinda have this spirit ball following you, yes?Oct 01, 2020

Helping Roahm by Wason Liu57 viewsI like to think the Robot Masters, if not outright friendly to me, at least have some begrudging respect from me beating them in a fair fight. Some are perhaps less satisfied with the arrangement than others.Oct 01, 2020
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