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Toad Man vs Toad Man by GandWatch450 viewsAn epic encounter of toad-ish proportions is brewing! It seems a possible crossover is in the words between Neo and cooljobsrule. What does this mean for our friendly Toad Man and Suwako?Jul 10, 2010

Gutsy Troll by GandWatch661 viewsGuts Man seriously breaks the AI of a lot of Robot Masters in Powered Up... ^_^; This will indeed be demonstrated during my vids... ^_^;Jul 10, 2010

Happy Met by SammerYoshi209 viewsIt's the happiest Met ever!Jul 10, 2010

Inferno Man by ItalianRobot221 viewsSo here we have a new fire type Robot Master. It does seem a good name to use, I'm surprised there hasn't been one yet.Jul 10, 2010

Joel Robinson Killed Us by MegaBetaman239 viewsAhh, Tormented, one of my favorite episodes of MST3K X) For those who don't get the joke, in the movie, a disembodied, ghostly head repeatedly shouts out the name of her killer. Tom Stewart killed me! Tom Stewart killed me! Of course, the bots had to take this to the next level.Jul 10, 2010

Kendo Man by TPPR10212 viewsHere we have a Robot Master counterpart for KendoMan.EXE. He looks quite nice I think. I'd be interested to see how he would fight.Jul 10, 2010

Last Page by GandWatch422 viewsI really didn't know what to make of this one when I received it ^_^;; It took me a moment to realize what was going on here : evidently upon hitting 10k comments on my main channel page, the older ones have started vanishing. For a minute this made me think either my page exploded or GandWatch was burned out when I saw the title ^_^;;Jul 10, 2010

MetMan EXE by dalo2953179 viewsFinally, a hero for all the Mettaurs out there on the net! Behold, MetMan.EXE!Jul 10, 2010

Mettaurs are Here by KainvsShadow198 viewsMettaurs are here to play with your kids! It's the best amusement park ever!Jul 10, 2010

Missing the Point by GandWatch558 viewsAh, Mega Man, so naive... Methinks you're in danger of more bullets ^_^;Jul 10, 2010

Nightmare Boss Counter Force by TPPR10380 viewsIt's nice to have a gathering of forces that will help me fight against my Nightmare Bosses. Alas, no one could really fill in as a good counterpart in the BN series for Jewel Man. Quite a shame, that.Jul 10, 2010

Battle Network Met by SammerYoshi211 viewsAccording to SammerYoshi, more work had been done on this, but the work was unfortunately lost.Jul 10, 2010
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