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Who's the 9 Now by GandWatch527 viewsCirno does raise a point there... Sure Icicle Fall is legendary for how silly it is on Easy mode..... but just what are you doing playing Easy mode, anyway? You do realize Reisen and Tewi are laughing at you, don't you?Jul 03, 2010

The Watcher by ItalianRobot234 viewsWell, this seems rather problematic o.o; A Big Eye with slight Devil properties? Yeep o.o;Jul 03, 2010

Virus in Disguise by Ace-heart828 views......Is it wrong that I think they look adorable in their little data disguises?Jul 03, 2010

Wait by Ace-heart864 viewsHmm... I guess combining too many good things is bound to reach a point of catastrophic failure... or too many bad things in this case...Jul 03, 2010

Wily Castle 2 by cooljobsrule319 viewsIt seems being master of an army of Robot Masters is harder than it looks... Suddenly teaching them about assault tactics, knowing their limited capabilities for learning new things?..... This could be bad.Jul 03, 2010

QuickMan EXE is Frozen by TPPR10456 viewsFreezeMan... next time could you freeze QuickMan somewhere where he won't be in the way?Jul 03, 2010

Fear of Quick Man by SammerYoshi313 viewsI'm pretty sure the fear of Quick Man isn't limited only to dragons...Jul 03, 2010

Crystal Quick Man by SammerYoshi242 viewsHmm.... which wins out, my love of shinies, or my fear of Quick Man..... I'll have to get back to you on that one...Jul 03, 2010

Cute Invasion by SammerYoshi313 viewsHmm..... I really don't see a problem here....Jul 03, 2010

Instant Water Stage by RenzokukenLionheart260 viewsThat seems about right, yes ^_^; Thankfully Lantern Fish haven't shown up anymore yet... ^_^;Jul 03, 2010

Nightmare Jobs by RenzokukenLionheart320 viewsYou can't really blame the Nightmare Bosses. They're just regular guys, working paycheck to paycheck like anyone else.Jul 03, 2010

Team Nightmare by RenzokukenLionheart329 viewsWell, someone did ask for a Team Rocket type theme for the Nightmare Bosses... Nice touch, replacing "right" with Dr. Light wearing a Japanese flag on his coat X)Jul 03, 2010
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