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Rushy Doo by KevROB948357 viewsHmm...... I will not make a horrible pun, I will not make a horrible pun......... So I guess Wily's weakness is Meddle Man. BUGGER!Jul 03, 2010

Flash Man's Bald Head by GandWatch396 viewsPoor Flash Man. In canon, he is supposedly bald. One has to wonder what kind of hair the others are hiding under their helmets.Jul 03, 2010

Scribblenauts Roahm by NesClassic164 viewsI do think this looks quite cute ^_^ I've never actually played the game though, it does seem intriguing however.Jul 03, 2010

Kitty Revenge by Ace-heart834 viewsNever underestimate Tango... Maybe that's why the kitty hasn't been in any new games. It's just too strong!Jul 03, 2010

Link is a Jerk by GandWatch457 viewsSilent Protagonist Syndrome... it is a terrible affliction to live with...Jul 03, 2010

McAffe by KalmerX159 viewsSo what would happen if McAffe was a Navi? Welllll.... the game would freeze a lot more often for one thing...... you'd get interrupted every time you tried to do something....Jul 03, 2010

MagmaMan EXE by TheKoopakirby207 viewsThis rendition of MagmaMan.EXE is largely inspired by Chernabog from Fantasia. I think it looks quite cool ^_^ Amusingly, this Navi being evil, in conjunction with his operator, does seem to continue the uncertainty of Mr. Match's true alignment XDJul 03, 2010

Mega Man vs Wily Episode 1 by dalo2953247 viewsSheep Man and Uranus together? Hopefully this won't be too terribly bad for our blue hero...Jul 03, 2010

Met House by MynameisProtoman191 viewsThe Home for Mets is always open to new residents! I like the touch of seeing those living inside here ^_^Jul 03, 2010

Needle Man is Screwed by TPPR10373 viewsLet's see what happens if we give you too many targets to shoot at...Jul 03, 2010

No Comment by Ace-heart822 viewsHmm... Something tells me that gem will be tricky to get..... Totally worth it!Jul 03, 2010

PlotAura Battle Chip by TPPR10335 viewsAh yes, I forgot about MMBN3 having a fight against Bass you simply cannot win. Freaking plot aura!Jul 03, 2010
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