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Acid Met by MynameisProtoman205 viewsAh, a new resident for the Home for Mets! It's nice to know this one is dragon friendly ^_^Jul 03, 2010

Even the Crappy Ones by dalo2953318 viewsHere we have recognition of all my nightmares... even the lesser nightmares...Jul 03, 2010

Astro EXE by TheKoopakirby180 viewsHere we have a female Navi counterpart to Astro Man. It seems she's based more around hovercrafts however.Jul 03, 2010

At Sea by EvilMariobot333 views......I'm just glad I'm not the only one to have thought that's what the "top of a ladder" sprite looks like.... XDJul 03, 2010

Bad Jokes 3 by MynameisProtoman198 viewsThis is the end of the pun storm for now. I've never been one to shy away from silly bad jokes though X)Jul 03, 2010

Bad Jokes 2 by MynameisProtoman204 viewsLet the storm of pun-ishment continue!Jul 03, 2010

Bad Jokes by MynameisProtoman209 viewsWell..... I never could resist puns.... ^_^;Jul 03, 2010

Bass EXE is Screwed by TPPR10588 viewsWith a setup like that, somehow I doubt even the mighty Bass will stand for long.Jul 03, 2010

We Have a Monkey by GandWatch432 viewsWell, if one really thinks about it, this was basically DK's original role... ^_^; Mario, I think you're going to need a bigger plane...Jun 26, 2010

Wily Castle 1 by cooljobsrule364 viewsIt looks like something is afoot at Wily's castle... With the master away, the others are in search of a new leader, and it seems he's made himself known. What does the future hold for this group?Jun 26, 2010

Ribitta's New Navi by RenzokukenLionheart396 viewsBlast, poor Megaman, he was not expecting divine danmaku.Jun 26, 2010

Oil Man by RenzokukenLionheart205 viewsThere's a lot of controversy as to Oil Man's look. Personally, I rather like how he looks. Yes, the original pallete was perhaps questionable, but a far bigger deal was made out of it than necessary.Jun 26, 2010
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