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Portal Man by LT144 viewsAhhh, the game shall forever taunt me. I have it downloaded, but can't play it due to my computer's graphic limitations... ::stares at computer tower:: I'm sure we can all put the past behind us... for science...Jun 26, 2010

PlugMan EXE by TheKoopakirby171 viewsHaving developed a design for PlugMan in an earlier pic, TheKoopakirby decided to flesh it out a bit more here. Somehow I could see this design working well.Jun 26, 2010

Proto Eye by EvilMariobot412 viewsPoor Proto Eye... You'll get no respect from your peers with how you fight.Jun 26, 2010

Quick Hair by Ace-heart763 viewsA lot of people wonder what the Robot Masters would look like without their helmets... Maybe it's best we don't know...Jun 26, 2010

Burning Google by RenzokukenLionheart244 viewsIn Google's defense, it is probably difficult to pinpoint the exact middle of nowhere...Jun 26, 2010

Never Trust Quick Man by SammerYoshi352 viewsLan's too naive, so don't let this happen to you. Some guy with a boomerang on his head comes by with a package for you, DON'T TRUST HIM!Jun 26, 2010

Death by GandWatch379 viewsAlways a cause of panic in Kid Icarus, this thing... I have to wonder what incarnation it might have in Uprising...Jun 26, 2010

Difficat by Ace-heart913 viewsThe power of kitties overpowers everything. So I believe this picture occured .02 seconds before Tango found a way to destroy Force Beams once and for all.Jun 26, 2010

Dimensional Jump Cut by GandWatch485 viewsYukari and Cut Man do share a seeming ability to snip their way through space and think with portals, so thus, they have been paired together. Cut Man seems happy about this. For those wondering, I believe Cut Man's space snipping abilities were seen in the fighting games.Jun 26, 2010

Eternal Heat by GandWatch459 viewsSeeing both Heat Man and Kaguya as having childish personalities in need of guardians (help me Eirin~), GandWatch decided they might work well together. Somehow, I could see this working.Jun 26, 2010

Greatest Hits by MegaBetaman248 viewsI had actually forgotten all about this scene until a recent conversation with MegaBetaman. Crow's endless solo should be starting riiiiiiight abooooooout now.Jun 26, 2010

Jewel EXE by EvilMariobot397 viewsThis time, we have a female Navi counterpart for Jewel Man. She looks quite nice indeed I think, and of course entrancingly shiny ^_^Jun 26, 2010
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