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Kirby YES Extra by Jon Causith79 viewsDedede's position wasn't too safe either, apparently.Oct 01, 2018

Feat of Strength by Jon Causith74 viewsIt's quite possible that Jon enjoys Suplex... XDOct 01, 2018

Kirby and Kine by Jon Causith84 viewsI was a little disappointed that Kine didn't get light bulb missiles in Star Allies.Oct 01, 2018

Kirby by Jon Causith75 viewsVarious cute Kirby poses!Oct 01, 2018

Johto from Memory by Jon Causith68 viewsJohto is the only region where a legendary made my favorite six. Even if it is odd to me that an aurora based Pokemon is Water and not Ice.Oct 01, 2018

Ice Man by Jon Causith69 viewsI always did like Ice Man, and here are some cute poses for him.Oct 01, 2018

Fire Man by Jon Causith68 viewsOne of Jon's favorite Robot Masters, here are some cool poses for the FLAMES OF JUSTICE!Oct 01, 2018

Face Carved in Stone by Jon Causith71 viewsThe line is FATE, not FACE, but now I can't unhear it.Oct 01, 2018

Buh Buhhh by Jon Causith74 viewsIf you're going to sit there and dance to the music, you'll never see the oncoming plumber.Oct 01, 2018

Just Doing My Job by Eddy64102 viewsThat is not a small charge. You'll be paying that one back for awhile.Oct 01, 2018

Succubus Swarm by Terjerber77 viewsIn the midst of grinding for the Apollo card, the way to and from the monster I needed to fight was plagued by Succubi, and they're about as annoying as a swarm of mosquitoes buzzing in your face.Aug 31, 2018

Just Roahm Mythril Things by RainbowMatrix87 viewsThe knife just doesn't fit in with my plans...Aug 31, 2018
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