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Pictor Perfection by NesClassic137 viewsA first to be entered to the gallery, here we have an EM Wave Change form as seen in the Starforce series. Behold, Pictor Perfection!May 29, 2010

Pikachu Met by KevROB948191 viewsHere we have the Pikachu Met. It's quite adorable, but one does have to learn to watch for Thundershocks...May 29, 2010

Meddy and Pill Man by Dragoonknight717219 viewsHere we have a Robot Master counterpart for Meddy, as well as an older brother for her, Pill Man. We even get a surgeon Met for good measure!May 29, 2010

Number Man Classic Stage by HogdoukenStudios256 viewsQuite a massive image, this one... This took awhile to get to an uploadable size o.o; The stage design seems to largely employ truly evil death spike abuse, without the help of water physics to jump around them o.o;;May 29, 2010

Custom Navi by KrisRandomHero119 viewsWhile no name was given, this customized Navi looks rather cool and forceful.May 29, 2010

Neko Met by MutantYoshi196 views.......A kitty Met?...... That's the most adorable thing ever!May 29, 2010

Netto King of Fighters by Tom0027251 viewsEvidently there's a Japanese game with a title that lended itself far too well to a joke... X)May 29, 2010

Never Saw This Coming... by MegaBetaman339 viewsEvidently MegaBetaman thinks the Nightmare Bosses are a bit too prevalent... Well, they did kind of earn it... X)May 29, 2010

The True Nightmare by xBlueBlastxX178 viewsAn unfilled health bar? That's the true nightmare if ever I saw one!May 29, 2010

Nightmares by lexicon08214 viewsQuite a stylish grouping of some of my more infamous nightmare bosses we have going here. I like the style used in this.May 29, 2010

NiGHTS vs. the Nightmare by UltraMegaMan100187 viewsI don't think this is what NiGHTS had in mind when he signed up to fight nightmares...May 29, 2010

Normal Burner by hacklord777231 viewsHmm... maybe Burner Man is more trustworthy without all his burny bits? At least he looks less psychotic that way...May 29, 2010
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