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Bubble Bobble Roahm by PivotParalyzer156 viewsHaha, I always did love Bubble Bobble ^_^ It ranks as one of my favorite games, just so happy and cheerful, colorful and fun ^_^ *pon!*May 29, 2010

Bugger by coller23223 views......Something that big and that fast can't possibly be good.May 29, 2010

Grow Your Own Burner Man by coller23191 viewsWell now, that's a horrifying thought... An entire garden of Burner Men?! No thanks!May 29, 2010

2000 Subs by jeffrey160 viewsMy thanks to everyone who helped me reach this milestone, I seriously never expected to get as many viewers and fans as I did ^_^;;May 29, 2010

Atomic Revenge by GandWatch695 viewsDEAR GODS YES!!! You have no idea how much I would have loved having this option while trying to Perfect Run Quick Man...May 29, 2010

Bass Is Loaded by KevROB948236 viewsA bit of a baseball pun... or is that Bassball.... ::dodges bullet:: Now now, no need for that... Though if Bass is loaded, I have to wonder what they're putting in those E-tanks.May 29, 2010

Beast Man by J22127 viewsBeast Man here looks quite fearsome! I have to wonder who would win in a battle between him and Slash Man...May 29, 2010

Beast Out Bass by KrisRandomHero128 viewsBass is quite fearsome on his own, but crossed with both Falzer and Gregar? That is a frightening prospect! Though it does give him even crazier fins in the form of those wings X)May 29, 2010

Birthday Met by KevROB948191 viewsHappy birthday to me! It's a Met that's both adorable and delicious!May 29, 2010

BladeMan EXE by jeffrey193 viewsThis version of BladeMan.EXE looks like he'd be a professional rival of ProtoMan.EXE. It would be an interesting battle to watch.May 29, 2010

Blast Man by MegaBetaman183 viewsThis version of Blast Man seems to go with the theme of bombs. BOOOOOOOMBS! Well, he seems happy about it, anyway ^_^May 29, 2010

Blast Man by sonicstick7119 viewsThis rendition of Blast Man has quite a colorful look. Perhaps he's more of a firework sort of blast? Hm, a firework Robot Master... I like the sound of that...May 29, 2010
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