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The Motivation Behind the Comments by GandWatch581 viewsAs crazy as the comments get on my channel... they make for good inspiration X) However, they can also show a nice level of motivation.May 02, 2010

The New York Mets by KevROB948245 viewsHmm.... why WEREN'T there any Mets in Strike Man's stage? That would have worked quite well as a stealth pun X)May 02, 2010

Toad Man by Tom0027590 viewsToad Man will surely defeat Mega Man! After all, HE'S THE BEST!May 02, 2010

Unforeseen Upload Shenanigans by Tom0027325 viewsAnd thus, we see the truth behind those "upload shenanigans" that hit sometimes. HughesNet and YouTube, a match made in the lowest pits of the Undernet.May 02, 2010

Sword Man Interview by cooljobsrule485 viewsRule number two of interviewing Robot Masters : don't insult a man of honor.May 02, 2010

The Dr. Wiwy Ball by ULTRAMARIO1176 viewsThese? Appeaw to be captuwe bawhs! This one is good at catching wobots, w-Mega Man, but they won't wike you as much!May 02, 2010

The Evil HughesNet by jeffrey280 views........This seems about right. So who would be the eight Robot Masters? Lag Man, Bandwidth Man, Dish Man, Outage Man, Monopoly Man, Cost Man, Insomnia Man, and Nowhere Man?May 02, 2010

The Mega Ball by ULTRAMARIO1182 viewsA stylish capture ball used on Robot Masters? Hmm.... ::looks for Jewel Man and Crystal Man::May 02, 2010

Roahm Man by Azdrerios333 viewsA Robot Master who thinks he's me? Hmm... does that mean I'd have to Perfect Run myself?May 02, 2010

Cursed by MrNintendorulez283 viewsNever trust a 1up. NEVER! It can't end well...May 02, 2010

Snake Man Interview by cooljobsrule483 viewsIt looks like my fellow reptile is a bit of a fan boy! Though there's a fine line between that and stalker... Still, I must admit, nice cosplay outfit!May 02, 2010

Sonic Boom by GandWatch523 viewsHmm... This is the sort of thing I envisioned after receiving fan art from HogdoukenStudios... X)May 02, 2010
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