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The Magic Word Is by GandWatch623 views...Yes, yes I do, Mega Man....... ::deep breath:: CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!! Oh Chen, you are freaking adorable...Apr 18, 2010

The Unloved Item 3 by GandWatch633 viewsPoor Item 3... The least loved of Mega Man's utilities...Apr 18, 2010

The Word of a Freaking Genius by GandWatch486 viewsA cross of Quick Man and Needle Man?! In Navi form?! ......Perhaps the most frightening thing is it manages to look pretty cool.Apr 18, 2010

Time Fer a Big Bang by GandWatch623 viewsHmm, a Bomberman game with Robot Master powers... That sounds fun... but also very hectic XDApr 18, 2010

Judge Man by GandWatch490 viewsA Robot Master counterpart for JudgeMan.EXE. He seems to be inspired a good bit by Touhou's Shikeiki.Apr 18, 2010

Pain Colored Love Spark by GandWatch615 viewsThey say love hurts... but I don't think they realized it could hurt THIS much.Apr 18, 2010

Pokemon Master by GandWatch716 viewsSay what you will about Mega Man, but he certainly doesn't understand Pokemon.Apr 18, 2010

PumpMan EXE by GandWatch614 viewsThis version of PumpMan seems to be inspired by Chaos from the Sonic games. He has the ability to hide away in various pipes. It seems like this could be quite a hectic battle!Apr 18, 2010

Rocking Eastern Girl by GandWatch573 viewsInspired by the cover of the Touhou Rock Girl CD, GandWatch made a full Reimu spriteset. Quite nice ^_^Apr 18, 2010

BFF Right by GandWatch709 viewsSo quickly do old friends turn when offered a new job... But then, does anyone really like Quint anyway?Apr 18, 2010

Clowny EXE by GandWatch478 viewsThis is quite a cute Navi counterpart of Clown Man, a more feminine jester with a liking for games.Apr 18, 2010

Cooked With Love by GandWatch636 viewsIn Gensokyo, one always has to worry about the food chain. It must not be easy being a rabbit in this world, but I guess Reisen isn't on the menu today.Apr 18, 2010
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