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Mega Dragon by HogdoukenStudios231 viewsThis is the sort of reason I fear the possibility of viewers making romhacks for me... I'd almost expect things like this... ^_^;Apr 18, 2010

Window Says Dead by Tom0027329 viewsI was fairly adamant about the death of the Computer Virus in one of my Single Ability Arena runs... Evidently Tom0027 was amused by this X)Apr 18, 2010

Eirin by Drew206 viewsA rather cute rendition of my favorite Touhou character, the Genius of the Moon, Eirin Yagokoro.Apr 18, 2010

Quest of the Shinies by PivotParalyzer186 viewsWith a Met at my side, I shall venture forth for shinies! No satellite broadband companies or colorful aquatic mammals shall stand in my way!Apr 18, 2010

That Old Cook Wily by hoopsandyoyofan26212 viewsOne strange line from Bass can paint Dr. Wily in a whole different light... Who's up for a game of Cooking Wily?Apr 18, 2010

The Dream Team by MartenFerret157 viewsTeamed up with Mega Man and Rush, we'll give Wily's army plenty of trouble! But I hope Captain N doesn't mind me borrowing his zapper...Apr 18, 2010

1UP Says by Tom0027338 viewsNever obey the 1-ups. They do not have your best interests in mind, no matter what they say.Apr 18, 2010

Aqua Devil by Tom0027342 viewsIn the REVENGE!! game made by JUN0TheF0X, the pumpkin midboss in Shade Man's stage was replaced with a beast known as the Aqua Devil. Tom0027 decided to make a more... menacing version of this unholy combination.Apr 18, 2010

A Few Attacks by Tom0027271 viewsA companion piece to the Aqua Devil pic made by Tom0027, this shows a few of its possible attacks.Apr 18, 2010

Heat Man's New Glasses by Tom0027246 viewsThis is a reference to a silly occurance when I put up my difficulty rating bar for Heat Man's stage... The amusing thing is I actually do have round framed purple tinted shades, though more a steampunk style... so we match a bit ^_^;Apr 18, 2010

The Robot Master Circuit by Tom0027367 viewsFear the electric Robot Masters! Why? Because they can do THIS!Apr 18, 2010

Cloudys by InvisibleCoinBlock392 views......Those Cloudys make some of the strangest faces...Apr 18, 2010
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