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Nowhere Man by GandWatch809 views......I do believe GandWatch has successfully won the "Lan Goes to Nowhere" contest... if there was one.... um.... yeah ^_^; I do think this is probably the most well done result of that, this and the Silent Hill one I think were my favorites X)Mar 29, 2010

Song of Storms by GandWatch714 viewsIt looks like Toad Man really has found a kindred spirit in Suwako. Perhaps love is indeed in the air! Unfortunately for Hyrule, so is rain, and lots of it.Mar 29, 2010

Nitro Boost by GandWatch635 viewsI actually have Excitebike World Tour.... I am not that good at it X) Nitro Man would beat me handily.Mar 29, 2010

Screw It, I'm Lan Hikari! by GandWatch949 views......This seems completely in character for Lan in all honesty. He does have a nasty tendency of just charging in without any forethought X)Mar 29, 2010

Going Nowhere Again by GandWatch526 viewsThis one had to be explained to me. Evidently this particular Nowhere is from a Looney Tunes game.Mar 29, 2010

From Russia with Love by GandWatch668 views...I don't think Kalinka is completely satisfied with her father's latest invention...Mar 29, 2010

A Raving Impulse by GandWatch844 views......Well, Rabbids are good at causing insanity, and seem to come from the moon.... distant relatives of yours, Reisen?Mar 29, 2010

Because This Guy Said So by GandWatch1101 viewsAfter my REVENGE video against Elec Man, exploiting his weakness, I received a comment stating there would probably be a sudden rush of comics making fun of this... Surprisingly this was the only one thus far ^_^;Mar 29, 2010

Cirno Helps Out by GandWatch762 viewsThe thing about being helped by Cirno... you never know how well her assistance is going to go... Testing Rain Flush around friends? Perhaps not the best idea...Mar 29, 2010

Freaking Hardheads by Killergreymon274 viewsAh, Hardheads... one of my most hated viruses... They're always in the way, making me wait a moment.Mar 29, 2010

Evil Roll by GandWatch564 viewsBefore MM10 came out, Kit and I theorized the possibility of a secondary fortress being run by a Roboenza-posessed Roll. We imagined the castle being overtly obvious in style that Roll was running it, and that she was the one who beat up Wily and stole his machine. GandWatch gave us a visual on this.Mar 29, 2010

Shiny Man by Dralek406 viewsI seem to make quite a stylish Robot Master. I get a nice stunningly shiny beam attack, and look good in blue Met helmets.Mar 29, 2010
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