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Roahm by IanAlann191 viewsIanAlann wanted to try portraying me in a less toon-ish style. This style does have some interesting detail to it.Feb 27, 2010

Going Nowhere by GandWatch718 viewsYet another interpretation of the Metroline to Nowhere, evidently there was a location in Mother 3 called Nowhere Island...Feb 27, 2010

Eustace by invaderzgr336 viewsIt seems Nowhere could have also meant Lan visiting Courage the Cowardly Dog... Seems there were a lot of ways that joke could have gone...Feb 27, 2010

You Can't Hide on the Net by MegaBetaman799 viewsYes, my nightmares can find me even on the internet. Why won't they leave me alone?!!Feb 27, 2010

FakeMan EXE by EvilMariobot491 viewsOkay, this one seriously made me laugh X) This was very cleverly done, thinking of FakeMan.EXE as one of those fake anti-virus programs. Though there are moments where that description of him also makes me think of McAffe X)Feb 18, 2010

SolarMan EXE by DroutTrigger629 viewsThis rendition of SolarMan has a nice, regal look, seems to perhaps have sort of an Aztec priest look or such. Very flashy and radiant.Feb 18, 2010
Date added=Feb 18, 2010 Nitroman_EXE_and_Chillman_EXE_[Fixed]_-_Raiden.png](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Nitroman_EXE_and_Chillman_EXE_%5BFixed%5D_-_Raiden.png)
NitroMan EXE & ChillMan EXE by Raiden767 viewsQuite stylish, these two, Raiden gave them a good ammount of personality. I love NitroMan's victory pose, and ChillMan's cold stare and frosty whisps. These indeed look like good, solid designs, I quite like them ^_^Feb 18, 2010

Mega Issues by GandWatch953 viewsThere were several reasons for not letting anyone from Mega Man into Smash Bros... Spike allergies, unwillingness to fight, overdone transformation sequences, asking for too much money...Feb 16, 2010

A War's End with No Beginning by KamenRiderXDS295 viewsNO I DO NOT WANT TO DO THE X SERIES! I mean, look at the results if I don't mess with it! Sigma gets to take over the world, I get to relax, X doesn't have to fight anymore, and Zero gets to join Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. Sounds like EVERYONE wins!Feb 16, 2010

Wrong Answer to the Wrong Maid by GandWatch896 viewsGenerally, I don't talk about the "hotness" of game characters. Evidently, this was a mistake when dealing with Sakuya. In my defense though, I didn't make any of those fandom accusations against you, and I did praise your abilities, and, well, yes, you're attractive. Doesn't that count for anything?Feb 16, 2010

Something Fishy Here by InvisibleCoinBlock423 views......The pun speaks for itself.Feb 16, 2010

SolarMan EXE and StrikeMan EXE by wizela749 viewsHere we have a couple of Navi designs for Solar Man and Strike Man. Quite nicely drawn, I could see these being used.Feb 16, 2010
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