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Poor Shrine Maiden by GandWatch787 viewsIt looks like poor Reimu is still having trouble finding donations, even with the odd variance of characters she's dealing with these days...Feb 12, 2010

Memory of a R.A.W.R. by GandWatch880 viewsThis was quite an unexpected tribute comic, sprite-ifying my old R.A.W.R. comics, also viewable here in the gallery. He didn't have sprites of Kitfox, Stallone, Cale, or Celeste to work with, so he subbed in Ice Man, Toad Man, a Met, and a Telly. Quite nicely done!Feb 12, 2010

Russian Typos by GandWatch902 viewsThis was made as a tribute image for my hitting 1000 subscribers on my YouTube account. But seriously? Congartulations? I forgot about that typo ^_^;Feb 12, 2010

Shiny Blast by invaderzgr333 viewsIt seems I have a new weapon at my disposal, and quite a shiny one at that! It seems it also makes the enemy always drop bolts. That would be quite useful actually.Feb 12, 2010

QuickRoll'd by ZeroJanitor506 viewsAt the end of my Fake Man run, I remarked that Fake Man seemed sort of disappointing after the difficulty of the stage. ZeroJanitor decided to fix that.Feb 12, 2010

CrystalMan EXE by Raiden730 viewsThis is quite a nicely detailed concept for a CrystalMan Navi. It shows attacks, movements, even an elemental change system. Beyond that, Raiden even made made my pendant into his insignia, quite a nice detail, that ^_^Feb 07, 2010

Path of the Ninja by GandWatch714 viewsWhen I did the MM9 Perfect Runs, invariably the topic of similarities between Splash Woman and Leviathan, and Tornado Man and Harupia came up. There is also the fan belief that Magma Man is the parallel to Fefnir... but what about Phantom? Could a remixed soundtrack hold the answer?Feb 07, 2010

In Mother Russia by GandWatch1141 viewsIn Mother Russia, fan art uploads you! But at least maybe Cossack's gang makes more sense over there.Feb 07, 2010

Toad Man's Kero Destiny by GandWatch784 viewsWith Cirno busy chasing Ice Man these days, it looks like Toad Man is safe... but what's this? Is there love in the air?...... Maybe not, but it's a start.Feb 07, 2010

Fan Art by GandWatch513 viewsGandWatch always sends great fan art. Ba-doon-tss.Feb 07, 2010

Busted by InvisibleCoinBlock529 viewsWell, I suppose now we at least know the charges Fake Man was trying to arrest me on. Where's Phoenix Wright Man when you need him?Feb 07, 2010

Quest for Shinies by MegaBetaman520 viewsOh no! Jewel Man and Crystal Man are in trouble! Though they certainly do have enough obstacles in the way. Am I really crazy enough to go through all that for the shiniest of all Robot Masters?....... ::maniacal grin:: As a special note, the Roahm sprite in this image was done by gamegeek93.Feb 07, 2010
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