Last additions - Fan Art |

Recaptcha by hoopsandyoyofan26261 viewsWhile not exactly fan art, it was an interesting coincidence that I ended up being a random Recaptcha passcode for hoopsandyoyofan26. Happy to be of service!Feb 07, 2010

Old Faces, New Places by DeathHarbingerAnubis292 viewsIt seems Quick Man and Freeze Man's Navi counterparts are ready to try to get revenge for their Robot Master bretheren. I'm all for it, bring it on!Feb 07, 2010

Flower Power by fireclimbers444 viewsSometimes, when doing a perfect run, it's not the boss that's the problem. Ring Man had this issue, and so too did Hornet Man... Somebody get some weed killer...Feb 07, 2010

Roahm's Stage pt 1 by MegaBetaman712 viewsThis is a rather large project being worked on by MegaBetaman. I've had to edit it a little on my end due to the large size, but hopefully this gets the idea across. It seems we're going into a volcano with a troublesome lavafall.Jan 27, 2010

System Crash by GandWatch705 viewsThis is truly a masterful conversation. The O RLY? owl and Rumia obviously have lots to discuss... Just a shame the internet and my computer can't fathom the depth of their discussion...Jan 27, 2010

Quick Man's Secret Garden by GandWatch910 viewsGandWatch did warn me about the dangers of giving him ideas... This was spawned when comments brought up the subject of Hanabiran possibly being made by Quick Man... This led to thinking of him as a gardener...Jan 27, 2010

Shinies by VGmaster78224 viewsEep, I'm naked! But I'm also chibi and cute, and have a shiny gem ^_^;Jan 27, 2010

Every Perfect Runner's Nightmare by 342bruno3681 viewsOh dear... This does not look promising... And Bright Man just has to taunt Mega Man, stopping time to give him that moment to contemplate his being ripped to shreads...Jan 27, 2010

He Is Watching - Sakani17401 viewsMega Man 1ups are evil enough, but Quick Man 1ups? That's a frightening thought. Hyper Curse GO!Jan 27, 2010

JewelMan EXE by JUN0TheF0X555 viewsThis design for JewelMan.EXE is quite entrancing. Very myseterious looking. It appears his version of Jewel Satellite is more of a ring shield. Quite an interesting take on the shiniest Navi ever!Jan 27, 2010

Plug Man by brawlkid6402 viewsIt seems Plug Man has a simple threat for me... except he's wrong... unless someone figures out a definitive pattern for him, in which case there may be REVENGE!!!Jan 27, 2010

Roahm's Pet Met by Joeandson303 viewsIt's the shiniest Met ever! And it's my happy, cute little pet! I'm a happy dragon ^_^ Original Roahm sprite by Gamegeek93.Jan 27, 2010
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