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Fighter vs Knuckle by Jon Causith68 viewsWho will win, the original or the copy?Jul 29, 2018

Suplexing Pink Wonder by Jon Causith74 viewsWhen you least expect it, the FRIENDSHIP SUPLEX! But what happens if you Friendship Suplex the Friend Train...?Jul 29, 2018

Galaxy Battle of WUT by Jon Causith84 viewsWhen facing Galaxy Man at the end of the Pit of Pits, I was not expecting suddenly danmaku.Jul 29, 2018

Toad Joe by Eddy6496 viewsThese guys during MaGMML2 never ceased to crack me up. I have no idea why, they were just really amusing to me apparently!Jul 29, 2018

Bad Eddie 6 by Eddy64100 viewsA bit more subtle evil this time. Which, I don't like Spam, so it still works against me.Jul 29, 2018

Bad Eddie 5 by Eddy6498 viewsThe truest form of betrayal.Jul 29, 2018

Bad Eddie 4 by Eddy64114 viewsNOW YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR!Jul 29, 2018

Bad Eddie 3 by Eddy64102 viewsBeing honest? I'm kind of surprised no one actually DID this. Maybe it wouldn't work in the engine?Jul 29, 2018

Bad Eddie 2 by Eddy64112 viewsEddie, now you're just TRYING to be evil. And showing off, really.Jul 29, 2018

Bad Eddie 1 by Eddy6499 viewsAnd so my trust in Eddie died that day, and I was always on my guard any time he showed up past this little gag.Jul 29, 2018

MaGMML2 Devil by ZeldaTheSwordsman89 viewsThe Mag Mammal 2 postgame has been going for awhile now. SHOW YOUR WEAKPOINT!!! In all seriousness it's a fine game, but the postgame is intimidatingly large ^_^;;Jun 30, 2018

Nightmare Gathering by KewlNerd20X676 viewsMethinks I've taken a very bad turn into a very bad neighborhood...Jun 30, 2018
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