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Kunoichi and Zhuge Liang in SCIV by seb2net402 viewsOn seb2net's YouTube channel, a main feature is the creation of various characters in Soul Calibur IV. Having asked for my favorite Warriors Orochi characters, he thus created Kunoichi and Zhuge Liang for me. Quite a nice job on them! Jan 23, 2010

What a Welcome by GandWatch684 viewsGandWatch had asked me if I ever did any custom sprites of myself. After sending some samples, this was created. It looks like I've entered the sprite world! The welcoming comittee does leave something to be desired, however...Jan 23, 2010

The Gift that is Knowledge by GandWatch746 viewsLeave it to the always clever and inventive Patchouli to find a use for Bright Man. It seems he makes an excellent reading lamp.Jan 23, 2010

8bit Dragon Man by JUN0TheF0X634 viewsFurthering the concept of Dragon Man, JUN0TheF0X sent in an 8bit rendition of the robot master in question. His work quite impresses me, it always looks very professional ^_^Jan 23, 2010

Nightmare Team Part 1 by CrazyKoopa1857 viewsIt seems my old friends have teamed up against me. The Nightmare Team is ready for revenge! First up, Elec Man, Slash Man, Burner Man, and Aqua Man... though Elec and Aqua should have positioned themselves a little better...Jan 23, 2010

Nightmare Team Part 2 by CrazyKoopa1832 viewsSo now it's time for the second half of the Nightmare Team. Bright Man, Needle Man, Quick Man, and Tengu Man, all ready to attack... but you have to expect problems when one of them stops time for everyone else...Jan 23, 2010

Shiny Trap by TayoEXE321 viewsSo entrancing... so shiny.... but surely it must be a trap... It CAN'T be this easy!Jan 23, 2010

Roahm Mythril by Prod1gyX2009319 viewsSort of a bit of MSPaint action going here or something, though the concept of a Force Beam Ball amuses me. About the only way I'd want to deal with five Quick Men at once. Enjoy Instant Death... now in ball form!Jan 20, 2010

Ten is for Tengu, Pt 1 by GandWatch859 viewsThis comic was a bit on the large side, so I needed to split it into two parts. It looks like Tengu Man and Aya are having a nice date... until Magic Man just had to show up and ruin the fun.Jan 18, 2010

Ten is for Tengu, Pt 2 by GandWatch815 viewsThe second half of the comic. Looks like Tengu Man might need to take some lessons from his new girlfriend...Jan 18, 2010

REVENGE by MegaBetaman667 viewsOh, if only this was possible. Romhacks, anyone? Seriously, who WOULDN'T want to play around with a Force Beam gun?Jan 18, 2010

Dragon Man Powered Up by JUN0TheF0X824 viewsThis was sent in as a companion piece to JUN0's original Dragon Man concept, but this time, as a Powered Up, chibi style! This guy has real talent, and I really think he should send this in if ever there's another Robot Master design contest.Jan 18, 2010
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