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Electric Domination by InvisibleCoinBlock425 viewsI knew it! Elec Man was behind it all the whole time! HE'S the one that wants to take over the world!... Somehow I could believe that. It's either him or Quick Man...Jan 18, 2010

As the World Turns by InvisibleCoinBlock376 views.........Somehow, I have problems believing this one...Jan 18, 2010

Toad Man's Nightmare by GandWatch932 viewsPoor Toad Man never gets a break. First the most easily manipulated AI in the history of Mega Man, and now Cirno's here to freeze him...Jan 18, 2010

Oh Stabbity by ZeroJanitor669 viewsA Quick Man fight is never a good thing.... And then Bright Man just had to butt in... This could be problematic...Jan 16, 2010

Roahm Robot Master by JUN0TheF0X583 viewsThis awesome piece was sent in by JUN0TheF0X, a robot master styled on my dragonny self. It seems his weapon of choice is a blast of elemental magic. I love the light sourcing on this, quite well done ^_^Jan 16, 2010

Odd Number for an Odd Girl by GandWatch1036 viewsIt's comic number nine, so it has to be about Cirno! It seems she has a rivalry with Ice Man... but is easily tricked... BAKA BAKA!Jan 12, 2010

Don't Copy Him!!! by Drew523 viewsWhile I'm technically not out to compete with anyone else, I guess Dr. Wily's hoards harbor a grudge. So when travelling in 20XX, perhaps it would be best not to claim you're like me...Jan 12, 2010

Bugger Times Six by InvisibleCoinBlock479 viewsOh dear.... surrounded by Quick Men..... This cannot end well....Jan 12, 2010

Stop Giving Ideas by GandWatch1108 viewsThe sheer number of nightmare Robot Masters asking for rematches lately has inspired this... and I am truly afraid.Jan 12, 2010

Roahm Mythril by MartenFerret249 viewsHalf of an art trade I did with MartenFerret. He drew this cool picture of me in a toon style, working on my LP endeavors. Very nice, I love it ;)Jan 12, 2010

Roahm Mythril by PunkWily261 viewsThis was sent in by PunkWily, and shows a rather more sinister look for me than usual. It somewhat reminds me of Ridley from the Metroid series, and is an interesting portrayal. Thank you for sending it in ;)Jan 12, 2010

Roahm Sprite by Gamegeek93303 viewsA nice little sprite made by Gamegeek93, portraying me as a Robot Master. Quite nice, that ;)Jan 12, 2010
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