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Drillbur From Memory by Jon Causith94 viewsDrillbur's fairly simple in design, though being mindful of those patterns on his tummy...Dec 30, 2017

Dodongo Dislike Smoke by Jon Causith97 viewsPlease keep your filthy habbits from the smoke sensitive dinosaur thing, thank you.Dec 30, 2017

Diggersby From Memory by Jon Causith101 viewsI love Diggersby so much. Nice big bunny that can wreck things, sign me up.Dec 30, 2017

Crystal Man by Jon Causith102 viewsWere I able to play 8 Bit Deathmatch, this would probably be me, the Crystal Man running around turning narrow hallways into Jezzball deathtraps.Dec 30, 2017

A Crime Against Fabulousness by Jon Causith97 viewsWell, Plague Knight did mention wanting to take King Knight's crown. Not that it turned out to be worth much...Dec 30, 2017

Capsule J2 by Jon Causith102 viewsI always forget they had to change the Jet ability holder. The original I think was a Twinbee reference?Dec 30, 2017

Bunnies for Hard Times by Jon Causith101 viewsIt's... been a rough month. So Jon and the Old Man supplied me with bunnies. Perfect!Dec 30, 2017

Boom Crew by Jon Causith94 viewsA randomizer for choosing some Robot Masters to draw was evidently in a highly explosive mood.Dec 30, 2017

Blizzard Man by Jon Causith97 viewsIt's a great day for skiing!Dec 30, 2017

Black Mask and Firefly by Jon Causith92 viewsWhile I don't know too much about Black Mask, I always thought Firefly was an interesting idea for a villain.Dec 30, 2017

Berserker by Jon Causith91 viewsThe Ninja Gaiden boss I basically only know for ProtonJon's frequent one-shots of it.Dec 30, 2017

Even More Kirbys by Jon Causith91 viewsThis time the randomizer landed on Hi-Jump, Bell, Hammer, and Clean... I'm guessing Clean isn't too happy about all the ruckus...Dec 30, 2017
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