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Petsitting Issues by Jon Causith99 viewsSo Jon has a job as a petsitter, meaning he has to watch other people's houses sometimes. Which sometimes means being thwarted by patio doors and sticks.Sep 28, 2017

Petsitting Heaven by Jon Causith102 viewsBut petsitting also has its rewards. Such as being surrounded by cats. I need this but with bunnies.Sep 28, 2017

Ninja Kirby by Jon Causith101 viewsQuite a stylish Ninja Kirby here! Ninja's one of those abilities I love even if I'm not super great with it.Sep 28, 2017

Mega Man and Rush by Jon Causith93 viewsThe classic story of a robot boy and his robot dog.Sep 28, 2017

Kirby Caps by Jon Causith92 viewsI challenged Jon once to try drawing Kirby with hats from other characters, not in Smash. So here we have him wearing caps for Jason from Blaster Master, and Shovel Knight because seriously he should be in Smash.Sep 28, 2017

Jewel Man by Jon Causith92 viewsAh, my favorite Robot Master. Gotta love the shiny!Sep 28, 2017

Hardest Puzzle by Jon Causith89 viewsOkay, but let's see how Frisk does with that blasted slide puzzle in Silent Hill Homecoming that was driving me batty.Sep 28, 2017

Guts Man Karaoke by Jon Causith98 viewsApparently, Guts Man canonically loves karaoke. This is a pretty great mental image to me. And apparently also an ending he has in the racing game?Sep 28, 2017

Goat Dad by Jon Causith89 viewsA drawing of Asgore from Undertale. It's one of those games, I like the characters, but I don't know that I'd enjoy playing the game myself. Still, the characters are indeed awesome.Sep 28, 2017

Tom, I Don't Get You by Jon Causith114 viewsOne of Jon's favorite MST3K host segments, in which Gypsy admitted that she just "didn't get" Servo. A fact that he wasn't surprised by.Aug 24, 2017

Yoyo Kirby by Jon Causith102 viewsYoyo is still probably my all time favorite Kirby ability. Whip just didn't have the same flavor to it.Aug 24, 2017

Wire Adaptor by Jon Causith98 viewsAh, the Wire Adaptor, MM4's "useless but awesome" power. I loved this thing, even though uses for it were pretty situational at best.Aug 24, 2017
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