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Well I Do by Jon Causith206 viewsIt's interesting to know someone else that shares this in common with me. People seem to expect me to go for gold and diamonds since they're more valuable, but I'm more in it for what I find attractive, so I more like colored stones and silver.Aug 29, 2014

Weapons We Set Aside - MM9 by Jon Causith232 viewsIt's hard picking least favorite weapons from MM9, they're all so good! It seems to fall more toward "which has most limited use." For me, it's the Plug Ball, and for Jon, the Hornet Chaser. But still he made the one fetching an item for Mega Man super adorable.Aug 29, 2014

Weapons We Set Aside - MM8 by Jon Causith210 viewsThis time around, it seems we both picked the same one. The Thunder Claw is okay for what it is, but the limited range, power, and the way it feels more like a utility than a weapon... yeah, we tend to prefer the others.Aug 29, 2014

The Relics We Favor by Jon Causith183 viewsAnd so, with Shovel Knight come more comparisons! Which are our favorite relics? I tend to like the Alchemy Coin. It's not always the most useful relic, but it's so fun when you have a good area to use it in. Jon meanwhile prefers the Mobile Gear. And we can all agree, Croaker is awesome.Aug 29, 2014

TMNT Faves by Jon Causith163 viewsWith the new Turtles movie out, we got to talking about which ones were our favorites. I always liked Donatello, with Michaelangelo as a close second. Jon is the opposite, preferring Mike but also liking Don. He also reminded me of one of my favorite scenes from the older movies, haha.Aug 29, 2014

Shovel Knight Blind Run Intro by Jon Causith184 viewsJon was kind enough to provide this title card for my Shovel Knight project! It was much appreciated, and gave me a good laugh.Aug 29, 2014

Shovel Knight Outro Sans Titles by Jon Causith186 viewsA titleless version for those who just want the image itself.Aug 29, 2014

Shovel Knight Blind Run Outro Card by Jon Causith176 viewsWhile the card wasn't finished in time for the run itself, Jon did go ahead and make this. The amusing part... it seems he had the exact idea I did for the one I made XDAug 29, 2014

Seadock McTreasureKnight by Jon Causith172 viewsIn looking at the Order of No Quarter, Jon mentioned that he thought Treasure Knight somewhat bore a resemblance to Launchpad from Duck Tales. And so this happened.Aug 29, 2014

Order of No Quarter Favorites by Jon Causith179 viewsIn looking at the Order of No Quarter Knights, my personl favorite is Mole Knight. It's just such a fun fight, and I love his stage. Jon prefers the mysterious Specter Knight.Aug 29, 2014

Dr Wily Sketches by Jon Causith140 viewsJon sent this practice set of sketching our favorite wiggly eyebrowed doctor, Albert Wily. There seems to maybe be some Dr. Forrester influence in there too.Aug 29, 2014

MM5 Robot Masters by Jon Causith183 viewsA nice group shot of the cast of Mega Man 5!Aug 29, 2014
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