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Roahm EXE by Ross Bidelspach156 viewsGranted, I'm more the katana type, but I probably couldn't say no to a sparkly jewel scythe.Jul 01, 2014

Pixel Wily by Rajan Saggu111 viewsAnd the crazed scientist himself. I always did like Wily's design. I usually prefer when they go a bit more simple with him though, the overdone Science Dracula look he had in 8 was a bit over the top.Jul 01, 2014

Pixel Proto Man by Rajan Saggu113 viewsI kind of wonder sometimes why the 8 bit Proto Man sprite has no mouth... In his Break Man disguise, he has that facemask, sure, but here... ::shrug::Jul 01, 2014

Pixel Mega Man by Rajan Saggu138 viewsThis seems like something I would have done as a kid, make giant sprite art and stick it around my room, haha.Jul 01, 2014

Alt Key by Joseph Ryan140 viewsThe Alt Key is always watching, waiting for its moment to strike...Jul 01, 2014

Draco Man by Josef Master206 viewsEvidently this has something to do with Josef's fangame, Mighty Kid. "Master of Force Beams?" I'm... concerned.Jul 01, 2014

Would You Quit Bugging Me by Jack Fitzallen230 viewsThis looks like a fairly annoying group of viruses to contend with indeed.Jul 01, 2014

Roahm Mythril by GeorgeTheRaccoon199 viewsQuite a nice and colorful rendition! And it looks like I even get an adorable little Pocket Met!Jul 01, 2014

Spyro the Durgon - Outro by Neo333 viewsHurp and furthermore Durgons.Jul 01, 2014

Spyro the Dragon - Outro by Neo341 viewsFor the outro, Neo hit upon my most hated character in the series. Seriously, Moneybags, just... go away.Jul 01, 2014

Spyro the Durgon - Intro by Neo320 viewsA rather big deal was made of the fact that I often said "durgon" instead of "dragon" during the LP. It was a bit of an inside joke with friends, and it spawned silly things.Jul 01, 2014

Spyro the Dragon - Intro by Neo288 viewsWhen doing my Spyro LP, Neo was kind enough to provide awesome title cards! He did quite a good job capturing the style of the series, and I really enjoyed being able to have these for the project.Jul 01, 2014
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