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HornetMan EXE and TornadoMan EXE by Renic Kobett224 viewsTornadoMan.EXE's design here, it looks like he has a top-like design for rapid spinning, an interesting interpretation.Feb 25, 2014

Saddle Ranger Edit by Mariofan96312 viewsGranted, I haven't watched many episodes of MLP lately, but I do vaguely remember seeing a promo for this episode... and thinking it was a fever dream during my surgical recovery ^_^;Feb 25, 2014

Megaman Racers Sprites by Mariofan96312 viewsIt always kind of surprised me that Battle & Chase didn't get more attention... Seems like with as huge a cast as there is, Mega Man would lend itself well to a racing game.Feb 25, 2014

Flame Man Special Stage Sprites by Mariofan96314 viewsDouble Oil Man?! Seeing this just makes me wish that fan project to remake the PC games had actually gone through.Feb 25, 2014

Weapons We Set Aside - MM7 by Jon Causith233 viewsMM7 had a few unique weapons. Really it's one of the rare games where in some way or another I liked most of them. The Slash Claw perhaps just doesn't quite stand out as much. The Flame Wheel at least looks interesting, but it is perhaps not all that useful compared to the others.Feb 25, 2014

The Homer Sniper by Jon Causith226 viewsAh those verbal typos... D'oh!Feb 25, 2014

Silent Hill Rodeo by Neo254 viewsYessiree, grab yerself a Carrion and head on down to the Silent Hill Rodeo! Yeehaw! Seriously, it amused me way too much that there were signs advertising the Silent Hill Rodeo in an area densely populated by Carrions, which for all intents and purposes look like rotting cows.Feb 25, 2014

Welcome Back by Neo352 viewsWhew, so yeah, that whole hospital thing... While at the hospital, Kit was my main communication conduit with everyone, as he had the number for my hospital room, and would occasionally call to chat with me and find out what was going on. Upon returning home, Neo had this waiting for me, quite a lovely surprise that really made my day. My thanks to Neo, and to all my friends!Feb 25, 2014

StarMan Doll by Devin Washington175 viewsYou know, a StarMan.EXE doll would be pretty dang adorable.Feb 25, 2014

Travis Grady Costume by Andy McAffe215 viewsApparently my October LP of Silent Hill 0rigins inspired a Travis Grady costume! And quite a well done one as well!Feb 25, 2014

Roahm by Alieonid277 viewsSo delightfully shiny!Feb 25, 2014

This Isn't Happening by Airmanon312 viewsTravis, stop, you're not in Eternal Darkness. You're also not Harry Mason, so stop stealing his moves.Feb 25, 2014
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