Most viewed - MegaBetaman |

Sandwich Time vs Pyramid Head by MegaBetaman258 views....Pyramid Head is powerful.... but sandwiches are really good..... I really don't know who to bet on...

Double Sun Power by MegaBetaman256 viewsUnleash the power of the sun!

The Bad Group by MegaBetaman251 viewsTo go with the rest of the MST sprites, here we have the various Mads of the series! Here we have Pearl, Dr. Forester, TV's Frank, Observer (Brain Guy), and Professor Bobo.

Greatest Hits by MegaBetaman246 viewsI had actually forgotten all about this scene until a recent conversation with MegaBetaman. Crow's endless solo should be starting riiiiiiight abooooooout now.

MST Sprites by MegaBetaman237 viewsI had actually wondered if more MST sprites might be on the way, I just didn't want to make it sound like I was pressing for them or such ^_^; So here we have Mike, Servo, Cambot, Gypsy, and Joel!

Joel Robinson Killed Us by MegaBetaman237 viewsAhh, Tormented, one of my favorite episodes of MST3K X) For those who don't get the joke, in the movie, a disembodied, ghostly head repeatedly shouts out the name of her killer. Tom Stewart killed me! Tom Stewart killed me! Of course, the bots had to take this to the next level.

Mettaur Stew by MegaBetaman235 views......Sometimes the comments on my main page just go crazy... This was such a time... Yeah.

8bit Crow by MegaBetaman230 viewsCROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!
(That's ONE o!)
This was quite a surprise, it's been rather fun trading MST quotes back and forth with MegaBetaman in the forums lately ^_^

Thunder Man by MegaBetaman222 viewsHere we have a Robot Master incarnation of Thunder Man. His compact design, coupled with the speed and agility electric Robot Masters usually seem to have, would make this guy quite a tricky fight.

Scorch Man by MegaBetaman202 viewsHere we have a new design for Scorch Man. The only problem I foresee is resisting the temptation to call his weapon the Scorch Wheel ^_^;

Glacier Man by MegaBetaman196 viewsI'm actually kind of surprised there hasn't been a Glacier Man yet with all the other ice terms they've used o.o;

Hydro Man by MegaBetaman196 viewsHydro Man is another of those Robot Masters where I'm kind of surprised the name hasn't been used yet ^_^;
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