Most viewed - InvisibleCoinBlock |

Bugger by InvisibleCoinBlock688 viewsThis was sent in by InvisibleCoinBlock, and simply entitled "Bugger." Yes, I do believe that is the proper expression for such an occurance as this.

Triple Bugger by InvisibleCoinBlock536 viewsEvidently the earlier bugger just wasn't enough. Now it's three Burner Men?! Ummmm..... I think I'll go look around somewhere else... :;shudders at the thought of a rom hack doing things like this::

Busted by InvisibleCoinBlock530 viewsWell, I suppose now we at least know the charges Fake Man was trying to arrest me on. Where's Phoenix Wright Man when you need him?

For the Love of Mets by InvisibleCoinBlock511 viewsI do indeed love Mets. When I was younger, I always wanted to make a life-size model of one, but never got around to it. But still, Mets are cute and I want one.

Bugger Times Six by InvisibleCoinBlock481 viewsOh dear.... surrounded by Quick Men..... This cannot end well....

The Red Eyed Wooly Spider Attacks by InvisibleCoinBlock467 viewsThe Red Eyed Wooly Spider (DUN DUN DUNNNNNN) seems to have claimed another victim! Quick, get the whiskey!

Why I Hate X by InvisibleCoinBlock462 viewsNo wonder I don't like X. Not only is he a constant whiner... but he can't even get my name right!

HEY! by InvisibleCoinBlock462 viewsThese viruses today... Grafitti? Now they've gone too far!

Pharaoh Man's Critical Attack by InvisibleCoinBlock443 viewsBeware, the ultimate attack of the ancient Egyptians..... DISCO POINTING!

AirMan is Angry by InvisibleCoinBlock434 viewsUm, listen AirMan, it's not what you think, really! I never knew he was the jealous type!

Electric Domination by InvisibleCoinBlock426 viewsI knew it! Elec Man was behind it all the whole time! HE'S the one that wants to take over the world!... Somehow I could believe that. It's either him or Quick Man...

Something Fishy Here by InvisibleCoinBlock425 views......The pun speaks for itself.