Most viewed - InvisibleCoinBlock |

Bullet Proof Dragon by InvisibleCoinBlock413 viewsSo during my Metroid run, I ended up demonstrating and testing the Narpas Sword code. It makes you invincible. And since Shagg has been so into TF2 lately, this happened...

Quick Man At Large by InvisibleCoinBlock408 viewsOh dear... Quick Man just shouldn't be that huge...

Cloudys by InvisibleCoinBlock392 views......Those Cloudys make some of the strangest faces...

As the World Turns by InvisibleCoinBlock378 views.........Somehow, I have problems believing this one...

Ice Man the Nightmare Boss by InvisibleCoinBlock365 viewsHe certainly seems fierce and determined enough to me!

CommandoMan EXE by InvisibleCoinBlock291 viewsThis Navi form of Commando Man removes all doubt. The guy's a freaking tank!

FEAR THE PLANK by InvisibleCoinBlock289 viewsFear it! It is a mighty weapon! Bow down before the plank!

SheepMan EXE by InvisibleCoinBlock282 viewsI don't know why everyone hates Sheep Man so much... He'd be like the cuddliest Robot Master ever! And now he's a Navi!

ChillMan EXE by InvisibleCoinBlock274 viewsThis ChillMan concept makes me think of the Freezies from Mario Bros. and the Smash Bros. games. I always loved using those things.

StrikeMan EXE by InvisibleCoinBlock273 viewsA rather playful, comical looking StrikeMan EXE. I can only imagine him being a friendly Navi battle, perhaps living in a baseball arcade game or something.

BladeMan EXE by InvisibleCoinBlock263 viewsQuite a menacing looking BladeMan EXE design. Definitely not someone you'd want to mess around with.