Most viewed - Ace-heart |

Trickery by Ace-heart973 viewsEvidently, using a fake Quick Man didn't manage to help Toad Man at all.

Smart by Ace-heart972 views......Seriously? How dumb do they think I am? I mean, I'm not THAT easily fooled by shinies............. am I?

Missingno by Ace-heart930 viewsAh, Missingno... Must you ruin everything you touch?

Quick Man by Ace-heart920 viewsBelieve it, Quick Man. On the bright side, I don't have a reason to try to do it again, meaning you're keeping any AI weakness you might have well hidden.

Cheating by Ace-Heart920 viewsOne has to wonder how many downgrades Quick Man needed to be on par with everyone else...

Revenge by Ace-heart914 viewsTime to give Quick Man a bit of sweet danmaku-y revenge. Hopefully that many Proto Man and Bass shots will keep him busy.

Choices, Choices by Ace-heart910 views.......Seriously.... is there really a choice to be made here?

Difficat by Ace-heart910 viewsThe power of kitties overpowers everything. So I believe this picture occured .02 seconds before Tango found a way to destroy Force Beams once and for all.

Mythril vs X by Ace-heart899 views....Ah the X debate... Never going to hear the end of this one. In all honesty, I'd be happy to stop talking about X if people would stop bringing up the subject and pushing me to make videos of the series. Personal opinions, end of story, moving on.

Nightmares by Ace-heart898 viewsA warning to all Nightmare Bosses to come : I've defeated everything you've thrown at me so far!

The Hardest Nightmare by Ace-heart879 viewsThis... isn't too far from the truth... Bright Man on the GB was a completely randomized cheater, and is one of my biggest deterrants from trying to Perfect Run the rest of the GB games...

Difference of Opinion by Ace-heart878 viewsWell, one man's trash is another man's treasure... and one man's second chance is one dragon's imminent doom.