Most viewed - SammerYoshi |

Wood Man on Fire by SammerYoshi187 views....He looks almost.... HAPPY about it o.o;

Static Man Stage Sample 2 by SammerYoshi187 viewsWell, the colors are bright, and there's no doubt who is behind this...

DWN 009 Metal Man Wallpaper by SammerYoshi186 viewsA rather nice, stylish wallpaper of the wielder of the Broken Blades, Metal Man!

Dan and Sheep Man 4 by SammerYoshi186 viewsHm, it certainly seems Wily is in a hurry...

Dan and Sheep Man 6 by SammerYoshi186 views...Sure, it's fun until you land... especially at that kind of a speed.

Springos by SammerYoshi184 viewsHere we have a new enemy type. Perhaps it's more of a helper than an enemy, judging from the flat top though?

Bamboo Man Stage Concept by SammerYoshi183 viewsThinking about it, it does kind of surprise me that they never made a Bamboo Man. The verdant color of the stage seems nice.

MMM Wily Fortress by SammerYoshi181 viewsSeemingly an idea for a new Wily fortress, this one in the form of a sphinx. One does have to wonder how he'll top that space tower from 10 XD

Elec Man Dance by SammerYoshi181 viewsGo for it, Elec Man, get down with your bad self!

Shard Man by SammerYoshi181 viewsSeemingly crystaline in form, or possibly glass, we have a new Robot Master! Sometime I really should draw my Robot Masters. I need to finalize my design for Glass Man...

Shark Man Stage Sample by SammerYoshi181 viewsIt seems Shark Man has a suitably nautical stage design. Hopefully better than the PC game as well ^_^;

Shark Man Boss Room by SammerYoshi181 viewsShark Man's room seems to have two entrances, and enough water to keep a shark happy and content.