Most viewed - Character Poses |

Nathan667 viewsA jovial, caring sort, Nathan is an unusual adventurer. He is slow and methodical in his trips, and is most notable for always taking plenty of first aid supplies. It is difficult to tell exactly what he is, as when he transformed, the power glitched. He is a combination of a polar bear, a walrus, and a seal, a mix his mate dubbed a polruseal. Nathan (c) C. Hersey

Gaia636 viewsThe spirit of nature itself, Gaia does everything in her power to ensure that nature flourishes. Impressed by the care a local gardener had for his plants, she lives in his greenhouse. Gaia (c) C. Hersey

Hydrogon635 viewsA netlife dragon based around water, Hydrogon is an interesting one. As must as he may look like a wise and noble eastern dragon, he is quite silly and playful. Hydrogon (c) C. Hersey

Pascal635 viewsPascal is a gem based navi, formed of faceted crystals. His attack data centers around different types of gems. He has experience with data configuration, and as such is a skilled weaponsmith for other navis. Pascal (c) R. Mythril

Ia634 viewsThe last survivor of an alien race, Ia is a gentle soul who wanted to leave the war and chaos of her homeworld behind. She escaped to earth with the last survivor of the other race of her world. Ia (c) C. Hersey

Gema627 viewsAn elderly jeweler, Gema makes many visually pleasing trinkets to sell at his shop. He believes the value of the piece is not in its components, but in the spirit the craftsman gives it. Gema (c) R. Mythril

Fyrendyse623 viewsGambler, rogue, and ex-thief, Fyrendyse is one to always cast his fate to fortune. Seemingly possessive of good luck in great abundance, he always lands on his feet. Fyrendyse (c) R. Mythril

Kabuki623 viewsKabuki is a navi that embodies the concept of balance. Before attaining her own balance of yin and yang, she was quite bipolar, sometimes a meek little girl, other times a ruthless warrior. Kabuki (c) R. Mythril

Gashroud621 viewsSecretive to all, Gashroud is the Chaos Dragon of Vapor. Always seen wearing highly concealing robes, it was unknown for a long time that Gashroud was actually the only female Chaos Dragon. She is shy around everyone, preferring usually to keep to herself. Gashroud (c) R. Mythril

Kameel617 viewsKameel is a firey-spirited chameleon who loves showing off. Considering other adventurers as rivals, he is always out to prove himself. Kameel (c) C. Hersey

Hiero616 viewsA noble hero, Hiero is skilled at the use of his large, triangular sword. An accident during an adventure led to his having shapeshifting abilities. Hiero (c) C. Hersey

Mac616 viewsA talented sniper, Mac has been betrayed many times in his life, leading to an existance outside the law. He works with like-minded individuals in a vigilante group. Mac (c) R. Mythril
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