Most viewed - Character Poses |

Nain616 viewsOne of the few survivors of a now dead world, Nain is a Kith. Skilled in the use of powerful ice magic, she seems outwardly cold to those around her. She is usually only open with her fellow survivor and mate, Ia. Nain (c) C. Hersey

Garreth614 viewsGarreth is a gryphon with a love for the night life. He does turntables for a local band, and can often be found playing DDR. Garreth (c) R. Mythril

Jace613 viewsA laid back guy, Jace generally takes things easy. He is, however, very protective of his mate. He studied martial arts and the use of tonfa to better defend him. He is known as a good chef as well. Jace (c) R. Mythril

Noire613 viewsA mysterious girl from France, everything is black and white for Noire. A colorblind albino, she can only see in neutral colors. She is a highly skilled chess player, however. Noire (c) C. Hersey

Ivan606 viewsA wise fox, Ivan is a professor of psychology at a local college. Possessing keen insight into the mind, he has unlocked psychic abilities within himself. Ivan (c) R. Mythril

Kelly602 viewsA playful otter, Kelly loves the beach. She is a skilled surfer on her off days, and can't resist a few waves and rays. Kelly (c) R. Mythril

Neena602 viewsA highly skilled martial artist, Neena constantly trains and hones her abilities. A master of ki that surpasses even the greatest known masters, her power is to be feared. Neena (c) C. Hersey

Hope593 viewsA cute little gembit girl, Hope is being raised by a loving couple. Already a bit on the hyper side, she has a weakness for sweets, especially cookies. Hope (c) C. Hersey

Lynn578 viewsA self-proclaimed intel freak, Lynn wants to know everything about everything. From the way she always seems to know what's going on, one would think she already does. Lynn (c) C. Hersey
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