Most viewed - ablon08 |

O RLY? by ablon081070 views......Somehow, PharaohMan.EXE really does have the face for this...

Beast Team by ablon081047 viewsYou know, for what an annoying boss he is, Duo deserves this treatment...

Bass Buster by ablon08988 viewsSo evidently, while playing with romhacking, ablon08 set Megaman's buster to trigger a Bass attack... And thus this happened.

Harupia Battle by ablon08983 views......At least I think that's what we have going on here? I can't be quite sure o.o;

Ganging Up by ablon08972 views...Either the Cybeasts are feeling particularly sadistic..... or that is the most deceptively powerful Mettaur ever.

Shade Man Screenshot by ablon08929 viewsThis is the sort of romhack I'd really love to see, but have no idea how possible it would even be, something that put ALL the Navis from ALL the games in one, could even let you collect all their chips... I do love collecting things, so that would be awesome.

Past vs Future by ablon08907 viewsWhich would win? It's interesting to consider.

Burner Wave by ablon08905 views.....Well this looks frightening. Evidently, it's a product of a romhack in progress.

Gravekeeper by ablon08893 viewsSomehow, PharaohMan.EXE seems to fit well in BN6's Graveyard area.

Nebula Grey by ablon08777 viewsIt looks like an old boss is returning in ablon08's MMBN6 hack. I wonder how one even does things like this?