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ScanMan EXE by TPPR10236 viewsHere we have a new Navi with the ability to scan in and copy the abilities of his opponents, even changing parts of his body to mimic those of his target.

Cloud Sheep Fusion by TPPR10235 views......Well then...... Sometimes a piece comes along that just speaks for itself..... This makes me laugh, and there's nothing more I can add to that XD

Gem, Ini, and Gemini EXE by TPPR10234 viewsHere we have a Navi counterpart for Gemini Man, who can split into two. Evidently, he's stronger while merged.

Super Sayan Infernape by TPPR10229 viewsAn Infernape with an attack over 9000? That will certainly teach the Battle Frontier to hack...

Strike Man vs Enker pt 4 by TPPR10229 viewsAnd thus, Enker is the victor! It does seem like he was a tougher fight than Strike Man, granted.

Airbubblemetal Man by TPPR10229 viewsHmm..... but does fusing Metal Man with the others instill a weakness to his own weapon?

Oshawott Shield by TPPR10229 viewsEvidently, in the anime, Ash's Oshawott reflected a Solarbeam with its shell... Yeah.

Epicness by TPPR10228 viewsSomehow, I can't disagree with this being truly epic.

MetFire by TPPR10227 viewsNooooooo, don't burn the Mets!

Moosh Poster by TPPR10227 viewsAnother flying bear? They're becoming an epidemic.

Strike Man vs Enker Pt 2 by TPPR10226 viewsHmm, thus far, it seems a stalemate...

Ceiling Flash Man by TPPR10223 viewsBased upon the original Ceiling Cat meme... but given Flash Man's reputation as a perv... could there be anything more disturbing?...
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