Most viewed - TPPR10 |

Mega Man 8 Navis by TPPR10438 viewsHere we have the group for MM8. A few substitutions had to be made here, Cancer Bubble for the Claw Crab, Nebula Grey for the Evil Energy, CircusMan for Clown Man, and Yeti Blizzard for Frost Man. There is no Grenade Man, and PlanetMan seems to take issue with CosmoMan subbing in for Astro Man. Take heart, PlanetMan, you'll get your chance soon enough.

Eat Me Now by TPPR10416 viewsWhatever that topping is, Lickitung doesn't seem pleased...

Flame Man and FlameMan EXE by TPPR10401 viewsFlameMan.EXE always did seem a weird change from classic Flame Man... Maybe someone else would be a better fit...

Powered Up Navi Select by TPPR10390 viewsHere we have Navis filling in for the MMPU select screen. Dark Soul Megaman is filling in for Oil Man, and ClockMan is filling in for Time Man. Proto Eye just gets a Flappy virus.

Jammers are Screwed by TPPR10380 viewsIn Starforce 1, there is a subquest where you have to eliminate a large group of Jammers in order to get a brother band with Zack. Methinks many people want revenge on this particular mission...

Nightmare Boss Counter Force by TPPR10377 viewsIt's nice to have a gathering of forces that will help me fight against my Nightmare Bosses. Alas, no one could really fill in as a good counterpart in the BN series for Jewel Man. Quite a shame, that.

Metal Man Outtakes by TPPR10375 viewsHe should really be more careful where he throws those blades...

Knight Man and KnightMan EXE by TPPR10371 viewsKnightMan.EXE does seem quite the bulky type... Just how did he get so big, anyway?

Needle Man is Screwed by TPPR10369 viewsLet's see what happens if we give you too many targets to shoot at...

Aqua Man is Screwed by TPPR10354 viewsNow here's a chance of showers I can enjoy...

Team Crab by TPPR10350 viewsEvidently, in the Starforce anime, there's a scene where Bubble Crab is sent flying, Team Rocket style. At least he has some friends now.

Slash Man got Screwed by TPPR10346 viewsThought you got out of that one? Seems the case of mistaken identity didn't quite work out in your favor.
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