Most viewed - TPPR10 |

Snake Woman by TPPR10346 viewsAh, Queen Ophiuca... Well, she does certainly fit as a Snake Woman... Also quite a frantic fight from what I recall.

Clown Man's Question by TPPR10345 viewsIt does seem strange that, with both ColorMan and CircusMan seeming like they could fit the role, there was never a ClownMan.EXE.

Mega Man Trainer Cards 2 by TPPR10344 viewsHere we have a new selection of trainer cards for Robot Masters. The choices of Pokemon for Snake Man and Buster Rod G were simple enough given the animal natures of those Robot Masters. Slash Man on the other hand goes with the prehistoric nature of his stage, choosing a group of fossil Pokemon.

Slash Man is Screwed by TPPR10339 views......Or not. It seems there's a nasty case of mistaken identity here, and twice over!

Odd Thing by TPPR10333 viewsIt is always strange... and rather frustrating... when you defeat your opponent just after being defeated yourself.

PlotAura Battle Chip by TPPR10332 viewsAh yes, I forgot about MMBN3 having a fight against Bass you simply cannot win. Freaking plot aura!

Quick Man is Screwed 2 by TPPR10330 viewsYou know... there's just no kill like overkill... I approve of this method for dealing with Quick Man...

Yellow Devil Poster by TPPR10330 viewsHrm... Language aside, this poster does give me a chance to talk about the Rockman Online trailer. It pretty much illustrates exactly why I never wanted to see a Classic to X transition game. It just looks so wrong, seeing the cute, colorful classic series characters in this dark, gritty setting. For once, an online game has come along that makes me glad I can't play them.

Mega Man Trainer Cards 1 by TPPR10328 viewsThese seem like fitting teams for everyone involved. Nice touch making Metal Man's team mono Steel.

Strike Man and GridMan by TPPR10326 viewsIndeed, I also had thought perhaps the sports Robot Master would be a classic counterpart for GridMan.EXE...

PharaohMan EXE's Secret Attack by TPPR10323 viewsSo if PharaohMan.EXE is a sarcophagus.... just what's inside him?

Fake Man is Screwed by TPPR10318 viewsI don't think Fake Man ever thought he'd be stuck on traffic duty. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.
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