Most viewed - TPPR10 |

Metal Man and MetalMan EXE by TPPR10297 views...Yeah, don't make fun of someone with a fist bigger than your body.

Don't Mess With Dragons Pt 5 by TPPR10294 views......Well, that's what you get, Quick Man!

Don't Mess With Dragons Pt 1 by TPPR10294 viewsIt looks like Quick Man has something on his mind, and he's ready to rant to anyone willing to listen. Oh look, a nice, draconic passerby is willing to lend an ear!

MMPU2 Air Man by TPPR10294 viewsHere we have some ideas for Air Man in MMPU2. Interesting thought, having him start with Item 2 since you have to beat him to get it.

Bass EXE Juuka Style by TPPR10292 viewsEvidently, Juuka refers to the two Cybeasts. Here we have Bass merged with both of them.

Fire Man's Reaction by TPPR10292 viewsOh dear... I do believe the Flames of Justice just went critical...

Blue Troll Drop Fail by TPPR10291 viewsBlue Drops are certainly annoying... at least until you get something that blocks the Frosty status effect.

Mega Man Chess by TPPR10289 viewsThis seems interesting, a chess set based on characters from all over the Mega Man multiverse.

Dark Men and DarkMan by TPPR10289 views......Never make fun of a merciless assassin. It can't end well.

Shadow Man Surprise by TPPR10289 viewsWhen the Shadow strikes... only scrap remains...

MMPU2 Crash Man by TPPR10289 viewsIt's interesting to see some ideas of how MM2 Robot Masters would play in an MMPU style. So thus, here we have Crash Man.

King Troll Drop by TPPR10289 viewsAble to immobilize your team by constantly expanding? Forcing magic spam? Yeah, Dread Slime is the biggest troll drop yet.
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