Most viewed - TPPR10 |

Strike Man vs Enker by TPPR10250 viewsThere can be only one!..... I guess this will all be settled when Highlander Man comes through here.

Mega Man RPG My Way by TPPR10250 viewsHm..... seems a little too X based for my tastes what with them being in the party AND X enemies being the only ones shown... but to each their own.

Don't Move by TPPR10248 viewsThat many Gemini Men... that could be a problem o.o;

Sparktool by TPPR10247 viewsJust what every lab needs, an electric Met! Order yours today!

Particle Man Spritesheet by TPPR10247 viewsHere's a full spritesheet for Particle Man, doing whatever a particle can.

Cop Joe by TPPR10247 viewsHere we have a design for a new type of Joe enemy, the Cop Joe. I could see these hanging around Fake Man. But ahh, poor Kit, another enemy telling him to wait.

How Does Magnet Man Work by TPPR10245 viewsTPPR10 and I do share a bit of a question on this, as we did both experience Magnet Man being rather strange in how frequently he used one attack over the other. Freaking Magnet Man, how does he work? At least it doesn't really make him harder, just more tedious.

Don't Mess With Dragons Pt 2 by TPPR10243 viewsAs they say, "Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with ketchup." Not that I'd know myself, but I can't speak for Bahamut...

To The Beat by TPPR10242 viewsX dashing to the beat just never seems as epic somehow...

Magnetic Shockwave 8 bit by TPPR10241 viewsEvidently, this is a reference to Marvel vs. Capcom, as it appeared on the Playstation. Alas, I never played that one.

Compass Man's Weapon Get by TPPR10239 viewsEvidently, in the Wonderswan Rockman & Forte game, Compass Man, one of the robot masters of the game... DOESN'T EVEN GIVE YOU A WEAPON. Yeaaaaah, I really don't know that I'm going to bother with that one, it seems a bit iffy in design...

FoxWoman EXE by TPPR10237 viewsThis seems an interesting look. She reminds me of a cross between Ninetails from Okami and Da Ji from Warriors Orochi.
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