Most viewed - angelbunnies |

Burner Woman by angelbunnies355 viewsI must admit, I'm not usually a fan of "gender bent" works. I've seen some rather horrifying ones of Dynasty Warriors characters, but that's another matter entirely... Completely unrelated, I worry at the thought of Burner Man as a rabid schoolgirl type... ^_^;

Elec Woman by angelbunnies349 views...Somehow this looks kind of psycho cute...... ^_^;

Somebody's Watching Me by angelbunnies333 views......Dear gods, they're both stalkers! o.o;;

The Strongest by angelbunnies305 viewsBallade's need to be the strongest... the joke makes itself with how singleminded he can be ^_^;

Silent Hill 2 is Cool by angelbunnies278 viewsIndeed, SH2 is probably my second favorite Silent Hill game, right behind SH3.