Most viewed - cardmaster9 |

Quick Man's Greatest Fear by cardmaster9314 viewsIn Super Adventure Rockman, Quick Man is destroyed by Shadow Man. The odd thing, this happens because Quick Man decided to guard Mega Man after fighting him... I honestly don't know which one to cheer for now.

Oh Bugger I'm Back by cardmaster9313 viewsI'm not sure just where they went, but Quick Man seems to have more enthusiasm than Strike Man...

Bass Style Revenge by cardmaster9306 views......I approve of the Forte Fireball..... Yes I do X)

Solar Man's Humiliation by cardmaster9286 viewsPoor Solar Man, he just won't get any respect...

Mega Man Online by cardmaster9285 viewsIf this ever turns into a real game... I will weep for the future of Mega Man...

Solar Man is Humiliated Even More by cardmaster9283 viewsPoor Solar Man, he really hasn't been having a good week...

Buster Rod G by cardmaster9280 viewsHere we have the leader of the Genesis Unit. While not too skillful on his own, he can rely on his team for a power boost, and can also be used strategically to manipulate the rest of your cards.

Sweet Vengeance by cardmaster9273 viewsThe ultimate shiny force beam? I do believe that's worth firing right at a Big Eye, yes. Or a line of them.

Annoyance X by cardmaster9270 viewsFinally, a point of agreement between me and my nightmares!

Hyper Storm H by cardmaster9256 viewsLiterally rounding out the trio of Genesis Unit cards, Hyper Storm H seems to be a loner. He's at his best when played by himself, rather than with his teammates, and has the power to blow away anyone currently in attack mode. Quite a field clearer!

Ice Man's New Home by cardmaster9254 views...Ice Man might want to think about commuting...

Black Hole by cardmaster9253 viewsIt looks like this is one destructive trap! Get rid of it fast, or you'll lose everything you have on the field!
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