Most viewed - cardmaster9 |

4000 Subs by cardmaster9185 viewsAt the time of posting this, I'm not quite there yet, but it's nice to know my shiny friends will be there to celebrate with me!

Winter Woman by cardmaster9173 viewsI rather like the look of this one, quite elegant and frosty looking.

Shock Man by cardmaster9172 viewsHere we have a new Robot Master, the electric samurai, Shock Man! I rather like this design.

Feline Woman revised by cardmaster9168 viewsThis is a revised version of Feline Woman, a Robot Master of cardmaster9's design.

Cat Ending Pt 12 by cardmaster9166 viewsAnd thus, a silly joke X)

Celeste by cardmaster9165 viewsReading about her, one has to feel sorry for her, being forced to fight against her will.

Cat Ending Pt 9 by cardmaster9161 viewsIt seems the dog's bite was more than Meira could stand... but something is wrong...

Cat Ending Pt 13 by cardmaster9159 viewsWell, at least James can get up now.

Cat Ending Pt 11 by cardmaster9159 viewsIt seems a plan was in place, despite this horrible outcome!

Cat Ending Pt 14 by cardmaster9159 viewsWith Meira's story complete, it looks like the kitty has one final request. The end!

Cat Ending Pt 4 by cardmaster9155 viewsAnd so, a plan was made, a plan involving the game company, Konami!

Cat Ending Pt 10 by cardmaster9154 viewsPoor cat, it seems their hard work was all thrown away!
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