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Roahm Sprite Set1111 viewsA lot of people who make sprite comics and such have expressed interest in having some sprites of my character to work with, so here you go! These were made a long time ago for an RPG I was working on, but alas, never finished... or really got anywhere on actually. I was always better at planning phases than actually finishing the games...

MMPU Cut Man Outtakes980 viewsThis was partially inspired by an episode of the Mega Man cartoon in which Cut Man did indeed have to flee from his own weapon, decimating an airplane in the process.

MMPU Ice Man Outtakes886 viewsThe similiarities in appearance between Popo and Ice Man led to this one. Having Ice Man in the wrong game seemed silly enough X)

MMPU Mega Man Outtakes878 viewsThis seemed the most fitting for Mega Man. Those disappearing block segments just love to cause problems.

MMPU Fire Man Outtakes823 viewsWhen playing as Fire Man, water will put out his flame, weakening his attacks. I knew I wanted to do something with that... then it hit me. Evil birds flying overhead, gleefully dropping water balloons. It just seems like something they'd do ^_^;

MMPU Bomb Man Outtakes785 viewsThe wildness of some of Bomb Man's throws make me imagine him as highly impulsive. The sort that blasts before he thinks. I think he's partied a little too hard here...

MMPU Time Man Outtakes785 viewsWell, the reference had to be made X) I largely drew inspiration from a comic made by Neo.

MMPU Oil Man Outakes763 viewsIt might not look like it from this pic, but I actually do like Oil Man. His personality is fun. If only they'd given him more advantages with the Oil Slider...

MMPU Boss Rush Outtakes760 viewsMethinks Wily needs to work on his machine a bit more. Are you sure the plans called for a spring right under your seat?

MMPU Elec Man Outtakes743 viewsLet's face it... We've all wanted to see this happen to one electric boss or another... X)

MMPU Guts Man Outtakes732 viewsFortunately, this kind of setup is only possible if someone was cruel enough to set this up in Construction Mode... If this is even escapable, you'd have to be really fast to manage it ^_^;

GYONIKUUUUUUUUUUUUUU651 viewsThere are times I simply can't resist doing silly things in my vids. This was such an occsion. In announcing that I'd be doing the Dr. Gyoniku stages of Nezumiman, it was revealed that he had smeared my beloved computer with fish slime. The nerve! My thanks to Neo for the Dr. Gyoniku artwork... or at least the body, the troll face was added by me X) Neo also did the Nezumiman artwork on the computer monitor!
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