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Ezrael Yoshi427 viewsSo what happens when you combine League of Legends with Paper Mario : The Thousand Year Door? Apparently a pretty boy Yoshi turns into a stereotypical JRPG hero... You'd have to ask Pink, this hails from one of her broadcasts.

MODERP426 viewsBehold, the Mental Organism Designed for Especially Random Purposes, as designed by Shagg! A MODOK Stunfisk... What has science done?!

Moonlite Technicalities426 viewsWhile broadcasting her old RPG, Moonlite Shadows, Pink encountered a rather crazy error that suddenly spammed the screen with small error boxes. Oops!

Fantasy of Eastern Donuts424 viewsFans of Shagg's vids will get this one. In a bout of silliness, Shagg did a blind run of the demo for Ten Desires... and since he can't read Japanese, he made up the dialogue. And thus began Youmu's quest for donuts.

Bow Man Sprite Sample Revised424 viewsThe old portrait I had done of Bow Man... something about it didn't quite sit right with me. Fortunately, Paul, a member of FireSkiesStudios, had tried as well. He made a portrait by tracing my original concept art of Bow Man. A little tweaking here and there with the colors and style, and this was the end result. I think it looks better than the old one.

Lily Black423 views.......Yeah. So Shagg was talking about seasonal Touhou characters. While discussing the nature of Lily White and Lily Black, he also made reference to Lewis Black's routine about SNOW WITH LIGHTNING BEHIND IT!!! And then this silliness occurred. It's Lily Black! It totally works, right?

Why No Stream423 viewsSome days, you just don't feel good enough to stream for a few hours. Hopefully Chompie feels better soon.

Chisao Takeover423 viewsBy popular demand, Chisao takes over the world. Probably not that farfetched considering other high positions of power held by little kids in the Battle Network universe...

MMPU Outtakes : Fire Man423 viewsFear the Peng Uprising!

Classy Lady Zoroark421 viewsShagg evidently has been using his Zoroark for Pokemon Musicals. He dresses her as a classy lady, and wanted my interpretation of this.

RMN003 - Vegas Man420 viewsAnd now we have Vegas Man, owner of the Casino Shield. Vegas Man was designed to run a casino, manning the various games there for the entertainment of humans and robots alike.

Ryuker'd420 viewsWhen playing Phantasy Star Online, if Pink leaves you a Ryuker... you might want to exercise caution ^_^;
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