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Reaper of Flames420 viewsA bit of gift art for a friend of mine, a concept of his character, the Reaper of Flames.

Meteos Trio420 viewsSo recently, I had some extra XBLA points. I then found a Meteos game on there. I love that game. And then I managed to get Kit and Shagg interested enough to get it too.

Zat So419 viewsHe lies in wait for prey, remaining a motionless trap. He grins as he fires electricity into his target. Stunfisk is the troll Pokemon. And Shagg loves him. Thus he trained one named Zat So. Tee hee.

RMN006 - Bow Man416 viewsNext amongst my Robot Masters is Bow Man. Designed as an archery instructor, Bow Man has a very skillful aim.

Freaze416 viewsAs per Neo's request, I drew the Freaze representative from his Meteos project in my style. It's interesting, for some reason I imagined them in more sort of a Shaolin monk style, but hey, can't argue with an ice samurai, that's pretty awesome.

The Test of Golbez415 viewsWhen Disidia came out on the PSP, Kit started playing it, and was amused by a certain line from Golbez. Thus, this particular piece was spawned. I'LL ERASE YOU!!!

Clowncrete414 views...This is all Shagg's fault. Yes it is. He has a female, sassy Conkeldurr... Yep!

Danger Hat413 viewsSo watching the recent escapades of Shagg playing Omega Ruby resulted in me feeling like drawing something silly.

The Midnight Waterer What Waters at Midnight412 viewsSo Kit was playing on the Dream World. There are still issues with the dream pals thing, but he did start just randomly visiting people that showed up on his dream map. And then he realized you got extra points for watering other people's berries. And so he became the MIDNIGHT WATERER WHAT WATERS AT MIDNIGHT! Gardens everywhere live in fear!

Ninja Santa412 viewsSo my friend Zac has bouts of sudden spontaneous generosity that strike when no one expects it. Recently Shagg was on the receiving end of this, suddenly finding himself in posession of a lot of Steam games he didn't have before.

Crawmie410 viewsSo Shagg, Kit, Pink, and Cutmanmike have been playing Borderlands... Then they found Crawmerax the Invincible. Shagg found out his character is broken and can beat Crawmerax without TOO much trouble... and then he gave it a pet name.... and then Crawmie started trolling him with bad drops. This might not be the best representation of Crawmerax, as I couldn't find a really good visual reference for it.

Fear the Rappy410 viewsWhile listening in on my friends playing PSO, one of Kit's characters had an incident with Rappies. Sure, they look adorable, but their critical rates are to be feared!
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