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TRON Pink409 viewsPink described to me the process of formatting her computer. Getting it up and running again involved a rather frantic sounding process where she was operating two computer mice at the same time. I couldn't help but imagine some sort of TRON situation.

Dem Bunnehs408 viewsSo Kit is a fan of Reisen. And Shagg is a fan of Tewi... DOUBLE FRIEND REQUEST GO!

RMN008 - Devil Man404 viewsHey, I finally did a more detailed concept art of one of my Robot Masters! This is Devil Man, owner of the Devil Chain.

Einstein's Pro Calculator Xtreme 2396 viewsI... kinda forget how this one came about actually, just that it was a request from others in the group XD

Incredibly Cute Robot393 viewsWhen ROB was announced for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Kit and I both remarked on how adorable he was. I was thus challenged to draw him as cutely as possible. Behold the result!

Erim S391 viewsHere we have Shagg's Azelf, Erim S. The lake trio of Sinnoh always seemed rather graceful to me somehow.

Devil Man sprite sample391 viewsA bit more work for Mega Man Mythril. I've already posted the base Devil Man sprite, but here I also made his portrait.

Ryuker'd smaller390 viewsJust a smaller version of the previous image for forum upload purposes.

Missingno Concept389 viewsDrawn in 1998, by Roahm, age 17. When information about Missingno. first started coming out (and I was still playing the game on an emulator), I tried training one of these. However, I wanted to put a face to the glitch. Given the game's typing of it as "Bird" type, I imagined it as another legendary bird. I gave it the cannons to show the strange fact that its moveset featured Water Gun twice.

MMPU Outtakes : Mega Man389 viewsA little off on the timing, that's all it takes...

Bow Man Sprite Sample388 viewsFurther progress is made! Next up we have Bow Man. That just leaves one left to do... and I really need to get off my tail and finalize his design o.o;

Motilda384 viewsThis one was quite a challenge. Shagg wanted a morphic version of one of his Pokemon... a female Cofagrigus o.o;; Trying to figure this one out was a thing. At least a bit of a personality developed as the joke phrase "sassy coffin girl" came about from this.
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