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Miror Buffalo380 viewsI love Bouffalant. It's just awesome. I mean, c'mon, giant afro buffalo with bling! And then the comparison to Miror B was made...

Devil Man sprite378 viewsHere we have a custom sprite of another of my Robot Masters, Devil Man.

MMPU Outtakes : Cut Man376 viewsInspired by a scene from the Ruby Spears cartoon.

Ringo373 viewsKit wanted me to draw some of his Pokemon in morphic form as well, so here's his Victini, Ringo. The energy spheres represent his four moves, charged with the power of Fighting, Fire, Psychic, and Electric.

Enclose373 viewsHere we have Kit's Cloyster, Enclose. It was interesting working this one out. His five-chamber revolver is symbolic of Kit's signature move on him, Skill Link Icicle Spear. Given the morphic form, Kit said this might be the sort being chased by my Beheeyem morph.

Mecanature371 viewsHere we have a morphic version of Kit's Ferrothorn, Mecanature. This one was a bit tricky to envision, a robotic knight with a flail representing his tendrils, and a shield representing his disc form. And spikes, lots and lots of pynty spikes.

Vegas Man sprite comparison371 viewsI tried messing with my Vegas Man sprite a bit, I think I'm happier with the new version, shown to the right.

Thank You369 viewsA message of thanks from my mum to all who kindly donated to our family over the years.

Cooking Shagg368 viewsSo listening to the others playing Guild Wars 2, Shagg decided to devote himself to leveling up the Cooking skill.

It's Chimecho!367 viewsOne of Kit's personal favorite Pokemon is Chimecho. It's undeniably cute, and the chime part would make for a nice scarf.

Flying Flame365 viewsYou know... When you tihnk about it, the combination of Drifblim and Chandelure only makes sense...

Jitterjam365 viewsHere we have Kit's Galvantula, Jitterjam. Due to it's twitchy, fidgety movements, I imagined him being rather nervous. His backpack gun (...what else would you call something like that?) symbolizes his various electric and shot type moves.
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