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It's All Their Fault493 viewsWHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE?!

Ears Are Tasty493 viewsSo one of my characters is a bunny by the name of Susie. In the fact that I cannot resist cute, I imagined her having larger ears that stayed that way as she grew, so she would have the habit of nibbling on one of her ears when nervous or such.

Mystery Let's Play Theater 3000490 viewsYou know... this is pretty much what joining on Pink's broadcasts tends to feel like sometimes... X)

Practicing Medicine490 viewsSo Shagg has gotten into Team Fortress 2 lately, and has seemingly found his niche as the Medic. He was quite obsessive about crafting the Solemn Vow, which led to some rather awkward requests and conversations....... just sayin'...... yep.

Legendary Difficulties489 views...Capture Rate 3 is an evil thing... This picture came about after throwing well over 100 Ultra Balls at a sleeping Regigas with the barest pixel of health remaining.

Pink Physics489 viewsDuring her Super Mario Sunshine broadcast, Pink had a habit of breaking physics wherever possible. Perhaps one of the most ridiculous instances of this was to somehow slide UP on hills... on her belly.... yeah.

Ponyenza Has Taken Over488 viewsWell, I fought it as long as I could. And then Shagg uttered the phrase "baby bunny stampede." I have a severe weakness to cuteness... so yeah. Game over, ponies win.

Lumashop Quartet488 viewsSo as Shagg and Ian played Super Mario Galaxy, Ian was always excited for one thing : the Luma Shop song. He couldn't wait for the first one. And thus started a running gag of excitement.

Mindstep488 viewsAnother of Kit's Pokemon he wanted drawn, here's his Malamar, Mindstep.

FFFFFFFFFFFF487 viewsAn image sometimes used in my vids, a good go-to image of frustration or annoyance X)

Aren't Motion Controls Fun484 viewsSo recently, I finally got to play Super Mario Galaxy, both 1 & 2. They are both quite fun, though there is the occasional problem with annoying motion controls... such as the manta races from the first game... yeah.

Ultimate Fistbump483 viewsRight before his computer went boom, Shagg was talking about a possible plan for a game idea. Part of this involved Cirno and Unzan teaming up, and thus, this request was made.
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