Most viewed - Jon Causith |

Arsenal Favorites - MMV by Jon Causith422 viewsWhen it comes to Stardroid weapons, the Spark Chaser just really stood out to me. I'd love to see how that weapon would be used in 8 Bit Deathmatch. Black Hole was also a fun weapon, pretty stylish. And kitty!

CommandoMan EXE by Jon Causith397 viewsHere we have a Navi design for Commando Man. I'm so predisposed these days to think "Kick the tank, KICK THE TANK!" when seeing such a vehicle.

This Gift is Made of Crystal by Jon Causith391 viewsAh, Crystal Man, definitely one of my favorite Robot Masters, and a Navi I really wish would have come to be.

Dream Teams by Jon Causith390 viewsSo what if we could make our own teams of Navis in BN5? This is what we'd both want. Odd how Bright Man is one of my least favorite Robot Masters, and yet BrightMan.EXE is one of my favorite Navis.

SplashWoman EXE has Jacked In by Jon Causith387 viewsHere we have a more completed design sheet for Jon's concept of SplashWoman.EXE. The koi patterning on her tail is quite a nice touch, very stylish!

Arsenal Favorites - MMPU by Jon Causith380 viewsWith the unique weapons of Powered Up, I quite enjoyed the Time Slow. Jon seems to enjoy the stylish nature of Oil Slider. It's an interesting weapon, but I was never good at using it effectively XD

Dissecting the Weaknesses - MM2 by Jon Causith374 viewsHere we have a new set of weakness analysis, and also something I didn't know : Air Shooter works well against Wood Man? I'll have to try that sometime... Bonus points for not just having everything weak to Metal Blade XD

Higsby and the Blade by Jon Causith370 viewsHere we have a two part image. First we have something I always wanted to see in the EXE anime, Cross Fusion Higsby! The decision to leave his awesome hair free and use the NumberMan grid as a visor looks very cool indeed. We also have a Navi design for Blade Man!

Arsenal Favorites - MM9 by Jon Causith356 viewsIt's tough to pick favorites in MM9, all the weapons are just so good! Naturally though, I love the Jewel Satellite, and Jon enjoys the power and chargeability of the Magma Bazooka.

Arsenal Favorites - MM8 by Jon Causith351 viewsSay what you will about MM8, it had some decent weapons. Myself, I enjoy the Flame Sword. It's a nice, quick attack with some decent power to it. Jon literally goes for something more flashy, the Flash Bomb. And we still can't hear Duo over the music.

A Very Very Very Bad Joke by Jon Causith350 viewsThe artist doth protest too much. I actually found this quite funny XD According to him, it's Quick Man suffering my wrath, so... I'm behind it 100%.

MMBN5 Team Setups by Jon Causith350 viewsSo we listed our dream teams, but what if we were specifically limited to Navis from BN5? Here are our respective setups. Also, a bit of a detailing of Jon's journey through the game.
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