Most viewed - Jon Causith |

The Fate of our Lives by Jon Causith316 views....Yep, in a nutshell, that pretty much seems to sum up the plot of Battle Network 4... and hey, you get to play it thee times if you want everything! :D

Weapons We Put Aside - MM4 by Jon Causith316 viewsWhereas I dislike the slow, questionable tracking of the Dive Missile, Jon feels the Ring Boomerang is lackluster. At least it works wonders on a lot of fortress bosses!

Roahm's Dream Team Soul Unisons by Jon Causith313 viewsWith the formation of my Navi dream team, Jon decided to also draw Soul Unisons for Navis that didn't yet have them! I quite like the pose on SkullSoul, and c'mon, IceSoul would be adorable X)

Nightmare Ender - Needle Man pt 1 by Jon Causith312 viewsJon isn't convinced that Needle Man is hard, and actually claims him to be at least somewhat easy. Thus, he created this set of tips and strategies. This is continued in a second part as well.

Noise Crush'd by Jon Causith307 views...I would so love to see Skyrim ragdoll physics in Mega Man... Not as a main feature, but just once... It would be amazing...

MMBN1 Faves by Jon Causith306 viewsHere we have the favorite Navis from BN1 for both Jon and myself. We also seem to have a design for a WaveMan.EXE, which looks quite awesome indeed!

Top 10 Robot Masters No 7 by Jon Causith306 viewsIn 7th, Jon's choice is the always cool Pharaoh Man. Speaking of cool, I went with Ice Man.

WEapons We Put Aside - MM3 by Jon Causith305 viewsIt seems we're in total agreement here, the Spark Shock is just... really not good. The Hard Knuckle gets special mention for its slow startup time, but it feels like it has more potential uses at least.

It BURRRRRRRRNS by Jon Causith304 viewsOne always must be careful when equipping elemental armors or styles in Battle Network... There's always a virus just waiting for you to make the wrong decision.

Top 10 Robot Masters No 5 by Jon Causith304 viewsFor the fifth spot in our comparitive list, it seems we both took a trip to Japan. Jon goes for the stealthy Shadow Man, while I went with the samurai soul, Yamato Man.

Weaknesses - MM1 by Jon Causith303 viewsAnd so it's time to start this series. Jon has provided theories as to why the MM1 Robot Masters have the weaknesses they do!

Nightmare Ender - Needle Man pt 2 by Jon Causith301 viewsAnd here we have the second half. It's interesting to look at this... I wonder if it may lead to a Revenge vid in the future...
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