Most viewed - Jon Causith |

Nice to Eat You by Jon Causith81 viewsEver have one of those instances of accidentally making a helper and then immediately wanting to re-absorb them for the ability?

Bugzzy Arena 1 by Jon Causith81 viewsAn establishing shot of Kirby facing Bugzy in an arena. I always did think Bugzzy was cool, a nice character design.

Kirby Distance Warmup by Jon Causith81 viewsA bit of a practice project in which Jon tried drawing Kirby at various magnifications (25%, 100%, 200%) and then polishing the results up.

SBemail 161 by Jon Causith80 viewsHomestar.... how the heck did you manage that one?

Egg Out! by Jon Causith80 viewsBeware of angry Chansey! Things could get eggsplosive.

Mega Man Practice by Jon Causith80 viewsSome poses of Mega Man adapted from various sources, including the Ruby Spears cartoon, his Smash Ultimate render, and the Mega Man 9 title screen. Also present, poses from Mega Man 8 and Marvel vs. Capcom!

Spider Man Drawing 3 by Jon Causith80 viewsY'know, I have one of the Spider-Man games on the 360, I should really play it sometime. Swinging around like this always sounded like a fun system to play with.

Spider Man Drawing 2 by Jon Causith80 viewsUsing the ol' Spider Sense. Probably quite the handy power to have, that. Just would need to come with the reflexes to match. As a note, these Spider-Man drawings were done in 2017, around the same time Spider-Man Homecoming came out.

Daroach is So Awesome pt 3 by Jon Causith80 viewsI think we may have finally found Daroach's one weakness. Give the mouse some food.

Vegetable Valley Aftermath by Jon Causith79 viewsDetails, details. It worked, didn't it? A little constructive criticism after the Vegetable Valley intro scene.

In the Deep Blue by Jon Causith79 viewsA nice underwater scene drawn for Jon's father, who likes various types of whales, especially orcas and humpback whales.

Kirby and Friends Ride the Warp Star FINAL by Jon Causith79 viewsThe result of a bit of experimenting, this picture was a sort of joint effort between Jon working with both Flash and Fire Alpaca to produce a finalized image. Unfortunately Flash washed the colors out, proving it can be a bit of a thing sometimes.
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