Most viewed - Jon Causith |

Tasty Team Up by Jon Causith59 viewsA nice little tag team of Neapolitan Man and Glass Man from MaGMML2 whipping up a nice tasty dessert. Neapolitan is my usual birthday ice cream of choice, and hoo boy, the big four oh is coming up soon o.o;

Magic Cloak by Jon Causith58 viewsMagic Cloak is one of those items I always underestimated in Link to the Past. I'm sure it has good uses though.

Adventure of Link Title Idea by Jon Causith57 viewsA concept for a title card for the eventual Zelda 2 project. I rather like it!

The Adventures of Link in Head Land by Jon Causith57 viewsDuring the Zelda II LP, I mentioned that as a kid, when I saw the localized names for the first two bosses, I kind of wondered if every boss was going to be "Something Head." To child me, it made sense!

Wario Relates to Mr. Krabbs by Jon Causith57 viewsI don't follow Spongebob, but even I know this seems accurate enough. But if they both love money, would they be allies or rivals?

Bowser Practice by Jon Causith57 viewsBowser's probably one of if not my favorite video game villains. He's just so goofy. And apparently a good dad, which honestly I love that they gave him that characteristic.

Memories of Big Bob-Omb on the Summit by Jon Causith57 viewsAs many 3D Mario games as there have been, having that first boss, the King Bob-Omb, feels like one of the most memorable things to me, just such an iconic thing.

Flash Man by Jon Causith57 viewsMy favorite of the MM2 crew. It would be interesting to see him in a more detailed game, just to see what they'd do with animating the lights on his body.

An Infestation Problem by Jon Causith56 viewsDr. Wily has decided to employ a zerg rush. This could be a problem.

Bowser Further Practice by Jon Causith56 viewsMore practice sketches of Bowser! The colors here specifically make me think of how he looked in SMB3.

MM6 Robot Masters by Jon Causith56 viewsSeeing all the colorful looks of the MM6 cast, it just reminds me of the 8-bit "purists" that complain when a Robot Master in a fangame has "too many colors." They seem to forget that even Mega Man himself breaks the rule, and in some games where flickering was more apparent, you can see proof that basically all RMs are comprised of layered sprites and thus can break the color limit rule.

He Wears Shoes by Jon Causith56 viewsThe only thing more terrifying to Bowser than knowledge of timed hits : proper footwear!
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